Human beings do some truly awful things. Some of them are Americans. The US has been on the top of the heap for a while now, naturally there is a laundry list of atrocities that can be attributed to America and Americans. They are terrible crimes that could never be excused or forgiven.
The US is also one of the most open and accountable countries in the world. There are still cover ups and corruption, that is normal human behavior. Amazingly the US is one of the few countries in the world that has human rights and free speech written into their constitution. Most countries do not. America elects not only their politicians but also their judges. Many countries do not.
That system is subject to corruption at all levels because there are human beings involved at all levels. That fact is in no way specific to America. The problem is people. I believe very few people actually commit terrible acts in that knowledge, mostly they
think they are doing the right thing. Raise your children better.
Sadly, for all its flaws, I think the horrible corrupt murderous US system is still one of the best that humanity has ever come up with. I think that much of the information for accusations leveled at the US is available only because of the nature of their system. When China has the top spot you will not know what atrocities they have committed and if you somehow do, you won't be able to talk about them. The same could be said for a large percentage of the world's countries.
Anybody, regardless of their nationality who is responsible for the types of horrific crimes that have been depicted on this page should be brought to justice. Americans, just like everyone else, should be aware that their country and their countrymen have been responsible for some of these, and should not live in denial, but accept their share of the responsibility and teach their children to do better.
But on their national day, I fully support America focusing on, and celebrating the things that make their country great, because there are many great things there. The guys who wrote the US constitution were having a REAL go at being decent human beings, and arguably did a better job than anyone else in history.
Happy birthday America. Be proud of your country, remember why it is great, and defend those principles from all who would corrupt them whether foreign or domestic.