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Offline tk[as]

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #30 on: August 06, 2018, 11:13:53 AM »
If you just don't respond to van.. He moves on pretty quick.. Just like anyone else.

He might try it later (a couple hours.. Or a couple days) .. But if you never respond it takes the fun out of it. Its a pretty simple solution. Don't feed the fire and it will eventually go out.

Most of us learned this by 3rd grade
« Last Edit: August 06, 2018, 11:16:14 AM by tk[as] »

Offline mousEtopher

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #31 on: August 06, 2018, 11:24:29 AM »
If a simple squelch doesn't do the trick because the other party is too persistent, that's when it really rises to harassment and we need to step in. 
yeah, that's the stance i took about leeroy

If asking someone to /squelch every single time is too burdensome, then we ought to side with the victim and not the abuser, and ban van until he stops his abusive behavior.  I guess the question is, how hard is it exactly to squelch over and over?  I'm not sure.
 Also, is there any way to make it easier?  Can @iL get the server to remember your squelched users?  Can @Lambchops or another user write a script that auto-squelches a list of people every time you log on?
i don't oppose banning van, but my understanding 1 year ago was that such an action would be viewed as "too extreme". i got some opposition as it was for giving leeroy a 7 day ban for the ongoing flaming of TGS, BS & others. if there's consensus for that now then by all means. but how do we know that it's been happening nonstop for 1 full year, or at all? i have nothing against BS but she did try to frame Yamon with some bogus screenshot request, so we know she isn't above lying in order to get someone banned 

either way, persistent squelch would be great & would solve the problem, would be a great feature if someone can set it up

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #32 on: August 06, 2018, 11:41:39 AM »
i checked the pvpgn forum and was fairly surprised to find nobody has ever developed like a third party mod or anything to add persistent squelching but i guess it's pretty dead on there.  one of the most recent posts is from USA-Archer lol

Offline Erenussocrates

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #33 on: August 06, 2018, 11:44:27 AM »
@mousey, but have you read my reply on tora's post though? I still haven't been convinced.

But yet it doesn't really work, does it? Average age of 25-35 doesn't mean much to me if the individual doesn't actually act their age. No matter whatever kind of community you are in, everyone has the right to expect atleast that bare minimum level of respect I think, it's part of being in a society. Trashtalking is fine between friends, but I don't necessarily see that could be welcome between strangers or people who don't want to be engaged in such a manner, or getting trolled/cyberbullied often (it sounds like that's what BabyShark didn't want from the start, which is completely normal).

I also don't agree with your perspective of "policing things that are outside of war2ru". An administrator's duty is to admin the server and it's related forums, and to keep those two ordered, not the stuff outside of it. And for people who carry the issue to the outside of that scope are to resolve things between themselves. This is the normal definition of administrating a community such as this.

I do know people who are passionate about warcraft 2 yet who do not play multiplayer, I think they could have had a chance to be integrated into a community like this, if only your approach about administration wasn't wrong, that's what I'm talking about. The newcomers don't necessarily need to be taught how to play the games by others, but the environment that you are currently enabling gives actual zero chance for this community to grow and thrive. I am not someone who is easily offended by stuff written by others, but when I look from a general perspective of what's acceptable in a society, when I join the war2combat server and take a short glance at the server chatbox, I'm assured that nobody who could have otherwise enjoyed playing MP would have stayed here, and for good reason. Not after seeing the rampant racial and homophobic slurs made by trolls X'D
The issue pushed by BabyShark is just one example.

All in all, your policy about the forums and server seems like it would enable trolls and people who were otherwise outlawed by other communities, and give them a place to thrive here. War2ru could literally become 4chan, I could foresee this.

On top of that, I don't think controlling new registrations would be TOO hard of a task really. Like, I mean... If every new registration was checked by admins for example? And even if you IP banned, if the average age really is between 25-35 and if everyone got a job, I doubt most trolls would be too persistent to try new VPN addresses and such to re-register and continue harrassing. That stuff also takes some time too lol. I just wish that the entire system could be overhauled to a modern standard so you wouldn't have to deal with stuff like these. A permanent blocking system should have been a given, at least.
I don't want you guys to administrate as if you are doing a full-time job neither ofcourse.

Offline Ywfn

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #34 on: August 06, 2018, 01:02:11 PM »
The search is on high and low for a W2 user who has no issues.

I'm your huckleberry

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Offline jordan4385

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #35 on: August 06, 2018, 02:33:13 PM »
I think babyshark is just jealous of vans wife and wants to get in on that so shes fabricating stories in order to steal VAN. surkin the derkin.

Offline Paper_Boy

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #36 on: August 06, 2018, 03:43:44 PM »
It wouldn’t be that hard to assign a chat macro to an Fkey, could automatically squelch people when u log on. Depends on your version of windows or you can download a free program. Van says he’s only messaged u 5 times in the last year, r u sure nobody is smurfing as him? You should take SS! That’s shitty 2 people were mean to you (and i put leeroy on my auto ban 4 life list after observing what a piece of shit he is) but i’m curious how calling the authorities would help . 911 , whats your Emergency? ___Jay and Silent Bob voice “Bruuhhh this guyzz Totally talking shit online” lol =)

Offline Lone

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #37 on: August 06, 2018, 04:19:12 PM »
I believe Claw (maybe 2pac) had a solution for auto-squelching. Ask them?

The channels are logged, is there no way to do a simple search specifically for whispers between two players? Alternatively Bs can make a few screen shots and share them here. Without proof this just cannot be taken seriously whatsoever. Seems a lot simpler than writing all these novels or making fun of one's self in front of the police.

Also, making a new ID and only telling about it to certain people should solve the problem...

Besides, Bs herself has a put a significant amount of effort into publicly talking trash (to Tk for example). "Alcoholic husband of a whore" imo is worse than Van's meaningless spam of curse words so... If you're addicted to drama, then learn to handle it!

If anyone is going as far as Bs states, then there must be a reason for it (certainly with Van). Care to share?

Regarding the reference to LoL and Riot games, wc2 players have always all behaved like angels compared to that "community". This easily includes Van (I'm aware he's had terrible behavior tho). I know this from experience.

There were female players (for example from Croatia, xSarax). I don't remember them having had such problems so I highly doubt "I'm female therefore I am subject to regular harassment"  is a valid argument. The problem is your attitude.

Anyway... simple:
New ID / Auto-squelch from Claw / Gather screen-shots instead of talking shit and send them to the admins / visit a therapist and learn to ignore what is meaningless, and care for what is important.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2018, 04:38:41 PM by Lone »

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #38 on: August 06, 2018, 04:27:38 PM »
I believe Claw (maybe 2pac) had a solution for auto-squelching. Ask them?

The channels are logged, is there no way to do a simple search specifically for whispers between two players? Alternatively Bs can make a few screen shots and share them here. Without proof this just cannot be taken seriously whatsoever. Seems a lot simpler than writing all these novels or making fun of one's self in front of the police.

Also, making a new ID and only telling about it to certain people should solve the problem...

Besides, Bs herself has a put a significant amount of effort into publicly talking trash (to Tk for example). "Alcoholic husband of a whore" imo is worse than Van's meaningless spam of curse words so... If you're addicted to drama, then learn to handle it!

If anyone is going as far as Bs states, then there must be a reason for it (certainly with Van). Care to share?

Regarding the reference to LoL and Riot games, wc2 players have always all behaved like angels compared to that "community". This easily includes Van (I'm aware he's had terrible behavior tho). I know this from experience.

Anyway... simple:
New ID / Auto-squelch from Claw / Gather screen-shots instead of talking shit and send them to the admins / visit a therapist and learn to ignore what is meaningless, and care for what is important.
I wrote a program years ago to do that. It was released on the old forums. That would be the poor way to go about this. Something server sided would be best.

Offline Lone

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #39 on: August 06, 2018, 04:36:01 PM »
It's an alright temporary solution given that only one player wants it.

Offline Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart)

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #40 on: August 06, 2018, 04:55:46 PM »
I believe Claw (maybe 2pac) had a solution for auto-squelching. Ask them?

The channels are logged, is there no way to do a simple search specifically for whispers between two players? Alternatively Bs can make a few screen shots and share them here. Without proof this just cannot be taken seriously whatsoever. Seems a lot simpler than writing all these novels or making fun of one's self in front of the police.

Also, making a new ID and only telling about it to certain people should solve the problem...

Besides, Bs herself has a put a significant amount of effort into publicly talking trash (to Tk for example). "Alcoholic husband of a whore" imo is worse than Van's meaningless spam of curse words so... If you're addicted to drama, then learn to handle it!

If anyone is going as far as Bs states, then there must be a reason for it (certainly with Van). Care to share?

Regarding the reference to LoL and Riot games, wc2 players have always all behaved like angels compared to that "community". This easily includes Van (I'm aware he's had terrible behavior tho). I know this from experience.

Anyway... simple:
New ID / Auto-squelch from Claw / Gather screen-shots instead of talking shit and send them to the admins / visit a therapist and learn to ignore what is meaningless, and care for what is important.
I wrote a program years ago to do that. It was released on the old forums. That would be the poor way to go about this. Something server sided would be best.
This would be great for babyshark if you still have the link

instructions for a function key macro can be found here:

Offline jordan4385

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #41 on: August 06, 2018, 06:27:45 PM »
I'm free to talk if babyshark needs a friend, I've been bullied alot by 00 over the years.

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #42 on: August 06, 2018, 06:31:04 PM »

Offline jordan4385

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #43 on: August 06, 2018, 06:32:13 PM »

Looky here garlic bread, its not nice to make fun of other peoples problems. Just because they are made up in their own mind doesn't mean they aren't very real to them!

Offline jordan4385

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #44 on: August 06, 2018, 07:15:15 PM »
And also VAN definitely had this coming, he has  meddled in the personal lives of war2 players on FB before so, surk my derk birch vurn.