Author Topic: How to Hate People - Demo Thread  (Read 15320 times)

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« on: January 03, 2019, 12:46:11 AM »
Hate is very important to society.

We all should hate each other a little more.

Inject some nasty into someone's day. Make them feel unwelcome.

If you have any trouble hating or hurting people, TRY HARDER. Find something petty to dislike or attack. Make up something if you need to.

Because we all could use a little more hate and rudeness in our lives.

Cuz life is too easy as it is. A little suffering and personal attacks never hurt anyone or made the world a worse place.

Just do it.

Cuz it's funnnn to feel better about yourself when you attack another human!

Congratulations to Cel for setting such a great example for all of us!

« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 08:37:24 AM by BabyShark »

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Re: Common Newbie Mistakes to Avoid - New Warcraft Tutorial Video
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2019, 09:12:54 PM »
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 05:08:33 AM by Lambchops »
its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

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Re: Common Newbie Mistakes to Avoid - New Warcraft Tutorial Video
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2019, 07:58:00 AM »
Tk's tutorials are still the best

Offline Cel

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Re: Common Newbie Mistakes to Avoid - New Warcraft Tutorial Video
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2019, 09:45:33 PM »
Short reminder just in case you missed it:
forum.war2.RU <<< this is the site you are on right now...

Why is there not a forum.war2.usa yet?
You are on here with all the people you hate and want to go away from so be consistent and GTFO already!
Make your own shit and leave us alone, quit talking here about your stupid project that no one cares or talk about here anymore.

Make and host your own forum, no one talks about you here, no one cares about you or talks about you for months here, so stop being total parasites if you want to make your own stuff make it and be consistent about it but quit posting here where you say people are not worth your time.

While you are at it make your own site web and own downloads hosting stop using this forum where all people you hate are hanging out we do not enjoy having you around either.

Especially when you maliciously try to advert your shit that no one talks or cares about.

In other words since this might not be clear enough gtfo we do not need your self centered self loved and egoistic power hungry asses here

I do not often curse but man you guys are one kind of craving for attention snowflakes. You guys are annoying as fuck why do we still have to get you around? Why cant you just leave and do your own thing without coming back every freaking month to tell us how happy you are to have your own shit? And how happy you are that you can rule as you like because obviously community driven was a too foreign concept for you.

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Re: Common Newbie Mistakes to Avoid - New Warcraft Tutorial Video
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2019, 12:47:09 AM »
Yup exactly!
What I say is wrong with you always coming back here thinking all is about you where really it is a rant questioning a behavior based on facts.

Here are the facts:
1) you hate and said its a toxic hopeless and racist community you always keep bringing it up
2) you made your own site/server and own server where you said it is all better it all goes very well (because you rule it basically)
3) you keep coming back here regularly

Do you see why it does not add up? Can you honestly not see why that is conflicting?
How can you explain that exactly truthfully and honestly?

See my arguments here are not personal they are directed to you and tupac behaviors only, I question your actions why cant you guys just draw your own path like you so said? Why come here if it all better elsewhere and you do not like us?

see Facts nothing else no dishonest comparison and exageration just plain contradicting facts from your actions

But you on the other hand keep comparing me supporting the community driven part of to advocating racism.
This is exactly doing what that video describes so good job digging it up now you can watch it and see for yourself how dishonest you are being right now!
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 12:53:42 AM by Cel »

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Re: Common Newbie Mistakes to Avoid - New Warcraft Tutorial Video
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2019, 01:01:43 AM »
You are misconstruing my position.

I'm not a hater of humanity. I care about people. W2 is just one place where people interact.

I have an issue with bad behavior. Once bad behavior stops, I can get along fine with the person in question.

I have a problem with:

1. Banning/muting people randomly without warning for breaking no written rule
2. People telling others they will hunt them down at their house and slit open their throat while they scream after slitting open "niggers" throats
3. People telling people to kill themselves
4. People telling people they will rape their mother/wife/child
5. People calling people's employer to tell lies about them in order to have them fired
6. People being rude nasty toxic douchebags GTFO WE HATE YOU
7. Banning new players from games and telling them they are worthless garbage

Once the person says, "Hey, I'm sorry, I won't do it again," and stops acting like that, we can get along just fine.

It's pretty simple. Which of these above points do you disagree with?

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Re: Common Newbie Mistakes to Avoid - New Warcraft Tutorial Video
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2019, 01:14:08 AM »
I am misunderstanding your position?

how so?

1) did you or did you not say you have moved from and gave up on it because it was not an enjoyable / friendly enough place?
2) did you or did you not make another server/forum/community where you can talk and enjoy war2 just like here but better according to you and that is comparrable in every way?
3) are you or are you not coming back here to post things about your server on a regular basis even though you basically said was trash?
4) if I was to come to your forums on a regular basis and post without any insult or non accepted behavior adds about how better is, and how more populated it is, how we all are happy here, and how better are the features we have, would it be accepted / tolerated?
Would you like it?

Can I start today?
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 01:20:53 AM by Cel »

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Re: Common Newbie Mistakes to Avoid - New Warcraft Tutorial Video
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2019, 07:40:38 AM »
War2usa is a failed project without the broder support of the war2ru community.
There are 0 people playing on war2usa at this very moment
And it is dead thruout the week for the most part.
Babyshark and tupac I’m sure are aware of this fact which is why they continue coming back to to try and win support among the war2ru community.

Thou I will say Babysharks posts are probably more for her own entertainment than for any actual attempt to bring people to war2usa.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 09:59:29 AM by ~ToRa~ »
war2 > war3

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Re: Common Newbie Mistakes to Avoid - New Warcraft Tutorial Video
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2019, 10:01:30 AM »
^^And why do you feel the need to try and change the mindset of the average war2 user? This is a game it’s not real life. Nothing that is said on war2 servers affects you in real life so why let it bother you?
war2 > war3

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Re: Common Newbie Mistakes to Avoid - New Warcraft Tutorial Video
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2019, 01:09:58 PM »
Well you never answered my first question and proceeded to ask your dishonest questions that have absolutely nothing to do with the point I was making:

See your point looks like this:
I am against genocides are you not against genocides do you wish people to die?
If you are against genocides why don't you come to my server since we agree on that? If you do not plainly support my server you are an antisemitic racist and a child abuser!
^ this is dishonest and flawed reasoning and you know it you can watch the video you dug out for more details.

Still I will answer your question since it seems I already have multiple time I always am against bad behavior and stupid attitudes but I am even more against bad ruling and power hungry driven projects or personal vendettas.

I answered your dishonest question now feel free to answer my questions  :thumbsup:
Though everyone knows and you too know why you do not want to answer my questions because they are exposing you and your dishonesty...

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Re: How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2019, 11:06:13 AM »
Hate is very important to society.

We all should hate each other a little more.

Inject some nasty into someone's day. Make them feel unwelcome.

If you have any trouble hating or hurting people, TRY HARDER. Find something petty to dislike or attack. Make up something if you need to.

Because we all could use a little more hate and rudeness in our lives.

Cuz life is too easy as it is. A little suffering and personal attacks never hurt anyone or made the world a worse place.

Just do it.

Cuz it's funnnn to feel better about yourself when you attack another human!

Congratulations to Cel for setting such a great example for all of us!

Hmm... You have the right to your opinion, but I disagree, actually.  I find it more productive to keep things on the lighter side!

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Re: How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2019, 04:52:30 PM »
You still did not answer the questions :P

Yet again what I do not welcome here is not you it is what you used this forum for, which is a very different thing! And you  know exactly what I am talking about...

If my reaction felt very harsh that is because I was pissed and very disappointed by your actions when you have no expectations from someone you are not pissed when they are not met so take this reaction as a sign of me still giving you credit.

No one is perfect including me I may overreact sometimes too but you know exactly what I felt was wrong with your ways and also thank you for already acting on it, this is appreciated.

Otherwise you yourself are always more than welcome here, as far as I am concerned I would also like to have you back in our server and play some games.

Also I apologize if I hurt your feelings.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 05:15:35 PM by Cel »

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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Re: How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2019, 03:11:46 PM »
The apology is nice. Thank you. That is more along the lines of the person I remember gaming with prior to last summer.

I don't believe advertising War2USA on a Warcraft 2 forum is wrong. I removed what I removed not because I believe I did anything wrong, but because there are bigger issues than a stupid video game going on, like people wanting to kill themselves. If people are going to get madhouse ragey about someone mentioning playing Warcraft 2 in a nice place to the point where they can't see human beings anymore, maybe removing it so they calm down enough so they can see that there are real human beings all around who are hurting will help. This all started because I posted a video to help out brand new players, which is relevant to War2, and of course I want people to play on War2USA and I want newbies to have a place where they will be welcomed. I've never pretended otherwise. Come play there with us and see for yourself what it is you're criticizing before you continue attacking what you don't know. Or stay locked in the hate cage. Your call. Most people play at both.

The new server was actually mousetopher's idea. Already back perhaps 2 years ago, I don't remember exactly, I'd been complaining about how toxic the environment is and how much new players are dissed and banned and thrown out, and she suggested starting a new server that is newb friendly.

Mousetopher owns, made, and maintains this forum, and has not made any rule about advertising a newb friendly, non-toxic alternative to ru. If she's changed her mind on account of her changed feelings towards me, that's her prerogative and she can do whatever the hell she wants, which she does anyway.

When you show the level of fear and hostility at the idea that people would know another place to play Warcraft exists, you are admitting that in your heart of hearts, you know the alternative is better, and that if the two options are side by side, and people can consider what each has to offer on its own merits rather than brainwashing and hate-fueled propaganda and false accusations, new players or old returning players who have no skill would more often than not choose the friendlier place where they can actually play.

It's like a guy who has a girlfriend and insists that she is blind-folded every time she leaves the house so she can't see other men, in case she likes them better. If he is confident that he has something to offer her, he will give her all the freedom she wants, because even if she has an option, she will choose him, if he has been good to her and they care for each other.

If ru is better, as you're trying to act like you believe, since that's where you've placed your loyalty in spite of all the corruption you willingly blind yourself to, then another server that is "inferior", and usually empty to boot, should be no threat to you, no concern to you whatsoever.

If the other server is better, or lines up more with your beliefs and values of how human beings should treat each other, how new players should be treated, how bans are carried out, and so on, then why the devotion to a place that started out banning you as a worthless newb?

You've clearly forgotten that I left Joe and Ogremage's game when we still had fun playing together before they got brainwashed - I left a game that I wanted to play after they banned you for being a newb in order to host a game just so you had a game to join and someone to play with. I'd never heard of you. You were an unknown newb to me too.

Everyone conveniently forgets everything I do for other people so they can throw rotten tomatoes and nitpick every little thing I say and do so they can smear me because I'm a Christian and that's the culturally and socially acceptable thing to do to Christians nowadays. Then eeeeeeeeveryone can insult, mock, hate, death wish, harass, taunt, lie about, ban, mute you because that's the political climate of the day. Christians are the most persecuted group of people throughout history. They've been fired, jailed, crucified, beheaded in modern times around the world, not for committing actual crimes, but for speaking the truth in love to a world lost in hate and darkness. Swift already admitted to me the last time he joined my game last summer (Honey Swamp 1v1, same as the replay I posted previously) that the reason he attacked me and began to hate me was for my religion, which I already knew.

The Bible already tells us this is going to happen.

Matthew 5: 11-12

Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

John 15:18

If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.

II Timothy 3:12

Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted

Matthew 5:43-48

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

And you have God's servants throughout Bible history being falsely accused. Joseph rejected adultery with Potiphar's wife, she accused him of trying to rape her, he went to prison. Naboth was accused of blasphemy by wicked queen Jezebel because she wanted his vineyard for her husband Ahab, and he was stoned to death. John the Baptist was sent to prison for telling Herod he was wrong to take a living man's wife as his own, then had his head cut off. Paul the apostle, who started out zealously trying to arrest and kill Christians, was converted by Jesus and when He went to preach the message of good news and forgiveness of sins through the name of Jesus, he was repeatedly imprisoned, beaten, even stoned (but survived) only for telling the good news about Jesus. Jesus Himself spent his life healing diseased people, raising the dead, casting out demons, teaching people to love their enemies and pray for them and many other good things, and He Himself (though never having sinned in His entire life) was accused of blaspheming God and put to death, on account of Him having told people that He is the Son of God. Jeremiah the prophet was thrown in a pit and hated by the wicked people he was trying to save with God's message of truth. There are more examples than I can name right now. None of it is new or surprising.

God knows everything, the Bible is right about everything.

We hurt and suffer like other people, though.

I also gave myself a 2 week ban from ru (during which I was invited to come play on smurf, but I declined, I didn't play at all on ru) to protest the admin apathy about the harassment of another player. I wanted to play. I love W2. I'm some special brand of addict. So to say I'm looking for "power" or I'm motivated for selfish reasons is neglecting to look at the full picture.

I played W2 for the first time at 13, for the first time online at 16 or 17, and was hooked. There's something special about it to me. W2 and I go far back, and deep. I have a lot of good memories playing this game, and a lot of really awesome people I've had the opportunity to get to know to varying degrees and spend time with. I had to choose between quitting or playing on an empty server and putting in a huge ton of hours and work into building it. I'm not really a quitter. I'm a pretty freakin determined person. Yes. I want to play W2 and not be muted, have friends banned, or be messaged "you suck nigger dick" over and over and over for years, accused of being a liar or a drama queen or all the rest of the nonsense people are coming up with. I don't think wanting those things is unreasonable.

I just wanted to play a game I liked and have some fun. But some people ruined that for me (and for a lot of other people who had an easier time moving to other games or other things).

Now I'm having fun again (not here at the hate forums ofc, but at War2USA where people are friendly) and yes I want to grow the server and collect ru's rejects and teach newbies that no one else wants to waste time on, but it looks like ru's rejects will just disappear into nothingness and I'll figure out a less hate-filled way to find new players.

Anyways, I have to go...IRL calls.

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Re: How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2019, 05:43:52 PM »
its grim ...most players the younger ones ..have no memories of war2 they started with say WoW they are not gonna be coming.

all christanity is  a priviledge around here..none believes in that shit there just fitting in..they go to bars and shit and married dont get asked who they dating etc etc.....go visit africa where christians and muslims kill each other..
hell im going.. poping in some ace of bace and sitting in my stool

remember god didnt let moses in..its best to be honest with the creator
« Last Edit: January 09, 2019, 06:33:28 PM by easycompany »

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Re: How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2019, 04:30:44 AM »
I thought you were done with RU you fat, autistic retard. Fuck can't even stay away after creating your own community to house your early onset dementia.