God help me...
-Rarely call to ban people of low skill unless you join games where everyone is way over your skill level and you are too heavy for anyone. I also complain to host when they get auto booted. 9 times out of 10, I say put 2-3 best with that person. If they still have no chance....can't have 5/7 players play a noncompetitive game for 1 person. I'm sorry.
- Never told you to be banned or killed (tf)? I did say smurf. It was a suggestion, not an insult? Only harassed (if I did) after you brought it on yourself at that point. This was LONG into your months of complaining. That was only when you wouldn't stfu in the channel 24/7. I did not start anything if you were not speaking already. After being nice about it for a while, I got annoyed.
- I played 2-3 1v1s, I won very easily, super boring, not going to keep 1v1ing. For the 100th time, $50 does not entice me to play you and I find it kind of pathetic you would pay someone to play you in the first place to be honest. It is also insulting personally.
- You didn't want Van banned? I accepted no ban/warning, wanted aka released. REASON I ASKED FOR PUNISHMENT IS SO WE DONT KICK NOOBS OUT OF GAMES THINKING THEY ARE SMURFS. As I already said.
- Don't recall telling the server not to play with you?
- You were noob (maybe better now) and yet ALWAYS trying to play with people well outside of your skill level for some reason. I would imagine SOME (I don't speak for all) others find that boring and annoying to have to carry so much. It's not an insult. It is just the truth. Like anyone else. When I was much worse, I wouldn't bug swift/sg/lone/u8 to 1v1 me all day when they just rape me. They get bored too. Shit, even now...
- I don't get sensitive to "unpleasant gaming experiences" and need to smurf because of it. I can handle it.
- I didn't know it was PB. So, don't say I called to get "PB" banned. I called to get the smurf's actions banned. Notice how the thread was barely 2 pages and I didn't keep going at it because I got answers and conceded to no official warning/ban.
LUX- YOU SOB, IT WAS A RAZOR BLADE, OKAY!?! Also, thanks, I do often play/train newer people.