Author Topic: market discussion  (Read 117357 times)

Offline tk[as]

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Re: market discussion
« Reply #30 on: June 24, 2020, 07:33:23 PM »
I've heard of SOLO but havent looked too deep. I just looked at the 1 day chart of PPE and that is an extreeemeeellyy manipulated stock. you can tell a big player is in there just fucking with people. Tricking them into buying so they can sell. Tricking them into selling so they can buy.

GNC just filed for bankruptcy .. It's currently at .70 a share with a market cap of about 52M. It's gonna be super easy to move, and these new retail investors LOVE playing the "pump and dump" games with stocks just like this (HTZ perfect example)

i got 200 shares @ .56  ... I suspect it will get close to 5 or 6 before getting dumped.. I'll be looking to get out around $4 if the game happens. I highly suspect it will pretty soon.

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Re: market discussion
« Reply #31 on: June 24, 2020, 07:37:09 PM »
I dont know when GNUS will pop.. but i firmly believe it will eventually. and I'm willing to sit and wait for it. Even if it takes a year.. It will be interesting to STUDY a specific stock's movement daily just to try to analyze the psychology behind it. I watch it daily trying to understand why it's doing what it's doing.

I'm in GNUS for however long it takes. I'm probably averaged around $3.00 with GNUS.

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Re: market discussion
« Reply #32 on: June 24, 2020, 07:47:54 PM »
Boeing is dropping like a rock again.. Also all the other airline related stocks.

I'll wait until they bottom out completely and re-evaluate what is going on in the world. As soon as i feel like they're going to start climbing again, i'll put in a call option.. Ride it to the top and put in a put option for the pull back.. take profits and forget about it.

sounds good.. but it will be really hard to time it just right. timing is everything, and it's not an art that i've quite mastered yet =/  .. I generally know that something is going to happen, I just have a hard time accurately predicting when it will happen.

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Re: market discussion
« Reply #33 on: June 24, 2020, 08:52:53 PM »
Watching a youtuber.. something he said hit me hard:  It's better to be late than to be wrong.

My problem is that i've been entering positions too early because im confident something is going to happen.. I'm just jumping the gun and then my position takes forever to develop.. a lot of times it goes against me initially.. and it's not been ideal.

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Re: market discussion
« Reply #34 on: July 01, 2020, 12:47:20 PM »
Update on my current positions:

I'm in GNUS, and I feel like 2.20 is the resistance level. We will see if that proves to be true soon. If it holds above it this week, it's probably a pretty good indicator.

I'm back in SWBI and I believe as long as recession fears, covid, protests, and the possibility of Biden getting elected loom, its going to do well. I bet it hits 30 before August.

I'm JNUG also... same reasons as SWBI..  gold is the go-to in these uncertain times.

I'm not in crypto currently, but I suspect bitcoin is going to make a good push up to 10,000 over the next few weeks/months.

Offline tk[as]

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Re: market discussion
« Reply #35 on: July 02, 2020, 01:55:51 PM »
Gnus, swbi, and jnug doing good.

Great day in the market for me!

I was looking back over the years at the dow jones. How it did historically around July 4th. It typically does pretty well, followed by nice growth 2-4 weeks following the 4th, then typically a pretty significant sell off.

I'll be watching the news, but I'll be looking to potentially exit bullish positions in the next 2 weeks

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Re: market discussion
« Reply #36 on: July 02, 2020, 06:26:22 PM »
Going to test a new strategy I was thinking of.

I'm going to use a scanner to find low float stocks, stocks that are really easy to move. Then filter out the ones that have had recent upward moves (10%-200% gainers in a day).. once I've identified those, I'll look at the news on them and pick out 1-2 a night and buy them at market price. Like 100 shares or whatever. Il put a stop loss at 20% Loss for each stock, and a limit sell order for 100%. Auto sell the stock if I get 100% return on it... and then just let it ride.

In theory, as long as I'm right more than 1 out of 5 times, I should profit.

Gonna test it out and see how it goes.

i actually ended up testing this out.. but not long enough.

I ran the scanner, found 3 stocks that i was interested in (SYN, JOB, AND LPCN)

I let them ride for a few days, JOB was the only one with some regular growth in that period. The other 2 had very small losses.. probably like 10% each if i had to guess.

I kept JOB for like another week.. made small profits,  got impatient and got out.

Looking at what all 3 stocks have done. I had 100 shares of each.

SYN - purchased @ .58 on 6/23  ... since then it's dropped to .50 .. So i think thats a 14% drop .... but looking at the chart i made a mistake purchasing it to begin with.
JOB - purchased @ .54 on 6/23    ... since then it's highest high was 2.30 .. So i could have potentially had a 325% profit on that.
LPCN - purchased @ 1.16 on 6/23    ... Since then it's highest high was 1.34 (current)  .. it still has a really nice uptrend over the last month. So 16% up currently. I'd actually be interested in buying back into this based on the chart, i suspect it still has some more to go.. But im wrapped up in other things for the time being.

pretty interesting numbers i think. i might spend some more time looking at this approach and see how it does longer term.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2020, 06:30:30 PM by tk[as] »

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Re: market discussion
« Reply #37 on: July 04, 2020, 01:59:48 AM »
I cant stop thinking about these results.. and I want to minimize the position i have in GNUS right now. I'll probably sell half of it in one of my accounts early monday, and split the money up into 3 of the "low float" penny stocks that i just scanned tonight, and get in LPCN

I think i'll get like 200 shares of each:

ABML - lithium ion battery recycling
PNCKF - metal miners (nickel and copper primarily i believe)
AMYZF - lithium ion battery recycling
LPCN - small pharma company

i'll still have a healthy position in GNUS in both shares, and some call options.. but i've made some profits and want to capture some of them if the conference call they're holding on monday 10am Eastern doesn't impress investors.

I'll hold the low float stocks longer this time around.. and i think i'll just put like a 15% trailing stop order on them.

if you're unfamiliar with what a trailing stop order is, I can set it to a percentage. If the stock is currently $1.00, a 15% trailing stop order would be at 85 cents.. as the stock price goes up, the trailing stop order also follows it so that if the stock got to $2.00, the new trailing stop order would be at $1.70. So if the stock got to 2.00, then had a 15% reversal to 1.70, i will automatically sell the stock... or if it just goes straight to 85 cents after i buy it, it will sell. hypothetically any way.

if the market moves too quick downward, my order to sell might not get filled which could suck.

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Re: market discussion
« Reply #38 on: July 05, 2020, 12:32:44 PM »
Warren buffett was asked about Diversification and his response was pretty interesting i thought..

He took the position that like 98% of people should be diversifying ... but essentially only because they're not willing to treat investing like a part time job. they don't want to/have the ability to research and understand individual companies.

He suggested that if you do have that ability/desire to put the work in to understand companies, you should be invested in 6 or less companies. Not diversifying.

If you truly understand a company, and spend the time keeping yourself updated on the company, you should be able to find a small handful of companies that you are extremely confident in..companies that are so innovative and well structured that they will outperform the overall market over time.. and there would be no reason to search for a 7th good company, or 10th.. or 20th. Not when you have a high degree of confidence in the small handful of businesses you truly have confidence in.

I strongly believe in that and am going to transition into 50% investing, and 50% trading. It will be interesting to see which one makes more money.

The four companies i want to invest in that i have a high degree of confidence in are Amazon(AMZN), Tesla(TSLA), and Square(SQ), and Genius Brands (GNUS). I'll keep my eyes and ears open for a couple more companies to invest in. But im in no rush because i have a high degree of confidence in these 4 companies.

On the trading side i'll still play with options (buy puts/buy calls), swing trade, occasional day trades, and test that "low float" scanner strategy i talked about.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2020, 02:32:23 PM by tk[as] »

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Re: market discussion
« Reply #39 on: July 05, 2020, 02:29:14 PM »
I think i'll add BTC as an investment as well it's a little on the speculative side, but I do believe crypto currency will have a very powerful position in our future economy, and currently BTC seems like the most likely to be universally used... and i'll be flexible enough to remove any of the long term investments and replace them if i see something more promising. But i will keep it below 7.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2020, 02:33:29 PM by tk[as] »

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Re: market discussion
« Reply #40 on: July 07, 2020, 11:25:50 AM »
GNUS found support for 2nd time in a row at 2.20 and bounced off of it. That's great news for the stock. It will investors a level of confidence seeing a pretty clear support line. I see an upward trend from here on out. At least until earnings.

I sold my call options on SWBI. made good money on them, but SWBI seems to be losing steam.
I sold some of my GNUS calls and half my shares yesterday morning for profit. I still have 2 call options and like 300 shares. The call options expire aug 21, so they cover earnings on aug 18th.

ABML is the only low float stock making any positive moves so far. It's up like 8% today, so I bought another 800 shares.

With the profits from SWBI I bought 2 different SQ call options. They're doing really well so far. I also have 10 shares of SQ. I really believe this stock will be a $1k+ stock in the next couple years. It will be another company like AMZN or TSLA where everyone kicks themselves for not getting in at like $100 or $200

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Re: market discussion
« Reply #41 on: July 07, 2020, 11:27:46 AM »
I'm going to keep a close eye on SWBI. I'll probably look to short it if I get a clear signal its sinking back to low teens or lower.

I'll also probably be selling the SQ calls early Thursday. I'd be surprised if it can keep running like this, and I expect a pretty decent pull back in the market soon. I'll keep an eye on futures but I dont want to get burned holding the SQ calls to long.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2020, 11:31:56 AM by tk[as] »

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Re: market discussion
« Reply #42 on: July 07, 2020, 05:24:17 PM »
bro absolutely do not invest in tesla

Offline tk[as]

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Re: market discussion
« Reply #43 on: July 07, 2020, 06:24:45 PM »
Bro Elon Musk probably is the most brilliant mind of our generation. Anything he is involved with will be highly successful if the funds to see his vision through are there.

And until SpaceX goes public, people will celebrate their achievements by buying TSLA.

side note: looking like 2nd round of Stimulus is increasingly probable

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Re: market discussion
« Reply #44 on: July 07, 2020, 06:28:20 PM »
JNUG trucking along slowly but surely. It's up 5% today. 8.5% last week. 30% last month.

I'll probably bounce back to JNUG when i get a chance.