Oh ok so now that you are very angry it makes perfect sense that you would call me all these things right?
A racist, a women abuser, a hacker, a child molester maybe too next time?
Nothing seems too dirty for your big paranoid mouth but we are the ones making baseless accusations here.
And now you are telling me I have nothing better to do than go smurffing on a 10 players discord for what? Advertising RU to a bunch of fanatics or calling their bullshit out on their empty server?
Because obviously I am very worried about what the 10 of you guys say about us in your empty irrelevant places it makes perfect sense I would waste my time going there...
It makes just as much sense as your other baseless accusations.
You are telling me I am the Maxi guy? Then I guess the guy that we've been talking to in our discord that was advertising your stupid server is me too?
Have a look of obviously me smurffing on myself Mr paranoid (attachements), I guess if you insulted him as you are insulting me the guy did not need more to see what you are and left 
Keep digging man, keep digging... Anger suits you well

Bad bad boy!
I see why your not an admin or have the brains to run your own server. Fucking loser still don't understand and your admin admits it.(obviously because you don't know shit). So stfu still waiting of proof you have failed to deliver anything logical behind your hate speech.

It's not looking to good for you. No women, you support harming them, children, you tried to defend the fact we owned you over and over. Yet you post nonsense and again no proof. Lets see how these war2ru talk when you in your death bed. You 55 60ish now? You want to die alone? You think any non druggie women would lay down with you. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Google dork proved how racist/toxic this place is. There is nothing you can do to lie or hide that fact.
I proved physically and screenshots of your gateways over writing others. But hey i see how cowards like u lie, speak nonsense bullshit, etc. So since i have now discovered what type of bitch you are. I shall no longer waste my time.
Only reply with proof or logical sense OR STFU! CYA on discord smurfs saying this or that about war2usa then we prove you wrong every time.
Don't cry when your in your death bed and there is not a soul insight or a person in the world to care. You're mouth, lies, deceptions, have made everyone look the other way. You should handle your own staff btw. They come and tell me how well we are doing and shed us some light on your evil plans..
1. We know about you attacking players UDP 6112 ports. You purposely give babyshark hosting problems, etc. But you screwed up trying that attack on me. I found it and was waiting for her to have issues again so i can sniff her traffic.
2. We know about the ddos attacks attempts on all servers. Newb ROFL firewall filter your shit hahahahahaha my servers didn't even lag.
3. But shit ill just sit back and watch you idiots. I'm sure when your door opens, people are lined up to be called racist, sexist, and just down right toxic speech.
4. I offered when war2usa launch to affiliate. Bone dry! Proves ur server intentions.
5. And believe it or not mousey was secretly taking over ru before she quit none of you idiots know besides a few people ROFL! Don't believe me? Her banner on the pvpgn claims to be the best war2 server.. Ohhhhhh big point eh?
6. Or how i put ur servers in my lists and you didn't do the same.
7. All you did attack us ddos, lies, defame, spam discord. etc.
8. You alll know i'm right or you would of never had your admins, people, try to tell babyshark you got such a better place now please come back. ROFL? Didn't think i was gonna blast ur ass ROL!!!!!
There is no reason i believe anything you type. I've seen it with my eyes. Posted straight facts! IDC if people play here or at USA idc. I run many many servers and this game is just too old. The only hope for it was GOG but they failed us. Those same 100 people that play here are the same 100 people telling me to finish USA. Heck i can name 10 more active players on ur server now that said if i add this or that they moving over. Nope i won't expose them either. The funny thing is the stuff they asked for can be done in a couple of hours. I think babyshark is right we just keep what we have. I'm happy with it, whenever i want to play i have many games to choose from and very nice people.
You said "And yes that behavior or gateway replacement and removal does not change with older versions of war2.ru."
Which tells me your fucking dumb dude. Do you know how it works? No you don't by this comment above.
Oh and before i go make sure one of you admin move the post about 278 to the modded forums so that data is not lost. Very cool to have back in battle.net war2.