I didnt have to make it public, it's common knowledge for all twitch users

Havent you ever wondered how pro streamers could answer chats AND play an intense battle at the SAME time? They arent reading those comments lol, they are being read to them via an IRC text2speech bot

I like having the voice output to the stream also since the chat isnt in the video itself. Similar to how a lot of streamers will add a chat box somewhere on their stream. The result was that as I was playing, people watching the stream would hear it also. Thus prompting some idiots to spam the damn thing heh. I never bothered to put any effort into looking for a good IRC spam moderation bot.
IRC is one of the features that sets Twitch apart from the rest of the crowd and has made it so popular. I dont know of a single twitch steamer that actually uses the Twitch chat UI, they all use mIRC (except for the anonymous users/watchers). IDK, maybe that trend has changed since? But I doubt it. When I was streaming, all I would do is just open up mIRC and that was all I had to do. I could then interact with twitch users from within War2 using Full screen without the need for a 2nd monitor and without taking up any screen realestate within war2 itself.
Here are the docs that show you how to connect to a twitch channel via IRC:
https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/irc/guide And if you dig around you can find videos on how to do it also. Many of the pro streamers will have a link to such a video somewhere in their profiles.
Any kind of chat content moderation on twitch is going to be done via an IRC bot. Including spam. So there really shouldnt be any need to do any wheel re-invention for cleaning up spam on Twitch. So now you have all the information you need. Go forth and findeth a good chat spam bot and maybe I'll stream some more again lol. I just have no interest in spending the time to do that myself.