Author Topic: Please help Yamon  (Read 13891 times)

Offline Yamon

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Re: Please help Yamon
« Reply #45 on: February 15, 2021, 10:02:34 AM »
 I'm not answering anything. I am trying to get money so I can have a roof over my head. To hell with your bullshit

Offline Yamon

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Re: Please help Yamon
« Reply #46 on: February 15, 2021, 10:04:29 AM »
Everyone is misquoting me and twisting my words and then saying that I am doing so which is hilarious. I sincerely hope that the people on this forum who have given me a hard time get their karma fast. I never even had the time or energy to argue about anything. I don't even need to defend myself against bara he made sure I was homeless on the past himself by himself and didn't need to do so whatsoever. That's just the kind of guy he is. I wouldn't have dropped him off for 3 days at an airbnb and then pretended there was nothing else i could do to help.

I think Harry you are an idiot and having a conversation with yourself?
It's Sunday and Presidents day. There is no work today and there is no work tomorrow.
I had an overnight job unloading trucks that got cancelled. I got laid off my other job for not wearing my mask. Do you really think that these arw normal circumstances? I am in NYC during Covid19. Why don't you ponder that a lot harder. And no I don't think you have any sympathy and certainly no empathy because if you dis you would help. You are just a hater in all reality trying to save face acting like you care.

Today I am going to a homeless shelter.
Thanks to Tora and TK who have helped me. People who are not apathetic idiots and have a heart.

Tora was right you are mentally ill.
Poverty is not mental illness. Mental illness is watching someone you have known since age 14 just go under while he screams out for help while you are sitting on thousands of dollars. That is mental illness. Not even having the wherewithal or discernment to realize if I am not telling a consistent story or I mispoke then it's because I am stressed and too confused and I hardly know wtf is going on my damn self. I hardly know what is going on. I am having trouble coping with my current situation to a point where I am panicking and gasping for air. And i all I get is ridicule and bullshit. Patronizing me about working while I am working. Now I am going to be working from a fucking homeless shelter. What the fuck. All you would have to do is call the guest house motel I am at and pay for two days with your card. Like you did when you made me cry and bought me pizza.  Pay for a week. A week is 184 dollars. Then i would be able to breathe again. Not necessary to argue about numbers or where the money is going. Call the place and pay for it like that. I have asked Tora to WALK down the street and pay for it.

I am not entitled. I have asked my entire family to help me. I have asked all of my friends. I have asked everyone and obviously i cannot make it myself. This post was a last resort and people do not ask for help unless they truly need it. Nobody does.
If it wasn't for TK and Tora I would have not had an additional two days here. I wouldn't be able to post. Charge my phone or have Wi-Fi. I would hardly be able to take a shit or piss or drink water because of covid19 in NY.  Not to mention is 20 degrees out during the day time here. It's like 10 degrees at night.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2021, 10:25:18 AM by Yamon »

Offline baRa

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Re: Please help Yamon
« Reply #47 on: February 15, 2021, 10:33:24 AM »
You are delusional. What airbnb, what pizza? You know who has it tough?

My parents, like many other immigrants came to Canada/USA in hopes of a better life for their families. 6 little kids and not knowing the language at all. You know what they did? They didn't go on welfare or government assistance. They got jobs and eventually started businesses all while raising their kids.

And then vultures like you begging for money and when you actually find someone dumb enough to give it to you, you mock them. Hilarious really. Everyone goes through things in life and you're no different. The difference is other people go and do something and not ask for handouts.

My cousins moved from USA to Canada during the recession and started hanging drywall to feed their families. They would would go ice fishing to actually catch dinner for that evening when there was no work. They were building multi million dollar homes in USA (mostly on debt and mortgages)

Moral of the story is go out and do something with yourself and stop being a parasite to society.

Offline Yamon

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Re: Please help Yamon
« Reply #48 on: February 15, 2021, 10:37:36 AM »
You are delusional. What airbnb, what pizza? You know who has it tough?

My parents, like many other immigrants came to Canada/USA in hopes of a better life for their families. 6 little kids and not knowing the language at all. You know what they did? They didn't go on welfare or government assistance. They got jobs and eventually started businesses all while raising their kids.

And then vultures like you begging for money and when you actually find someone dumb enough to give it to you, you mock them. Hilarious really. Everyone goes through things in life and you're no different. The difference is other people go and do something and not ask for handouts.

My cousins moved from USA to Canada during the recession and started hanging drywall to feed their families. They would would go ice fishing to actually catch dinner for that evening when there was no work. They were building multi million dollar homes in USA (mostly on debt and mortgages)

Moral of the story is go out and do something with yourself and stop being a parasite to society.
You are an idiot

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Re: Please help Yamon
« Reply #49 on: February 15, 2021, 11:13:45 AM »
Yamon, you answered basically nothing that I wrote down.

The holiday/not working Monday has shit to do with what I said. Plus I don't know wtf place has 2 days off for President's Day? Even union workers here do not.

I can't misquote a fucking quote. COPY PASTE

Karma is what you are getting right now.

Unloading trucks got cancelled. Love how you bring it up now but not before. You live in NYC right now, that's great, doesn't change any facts.

You didn't respond to one god damned thing I called you out on, ROFL. Answer 1,2 and 3.

Listen I have personally met Yamon in real life and I can say he isn't like acting or anything. The guy actually is mentally ill I think which is why me and tk just gave him something in the end.

I get it his story sounds kind of weird and out of the ordinary but he isn't bullshitting.....
Some people do weird things, like move to a city where they know no one and with only a couple hundred bucks.
Sounds crazy to normal people but it is something vagabonds do apparently.
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Re: Please help Yamon
« Reply #50 on: February 15, 2021, 11:17:02 AM »
I for one don't think his story is made up. I just refuse to give to lazy people who feel they are owed something from everyone without actually earning a darn thing.

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: Please help Yamon
« Reply #51 on: February 15, 2021, 12:03:01 PM »
"All you would have to do is call the guest house motel I am at and pay for two days with your card."

$140 isn't enough for 2 days?

" Pay for a week. A week is 184 dollars."

Wait, what? The ask has changed yet again? Now you need $44?

"If it wasn't for TK and Tora I would have not had an additional two days here."

So then, you got your money for the 2 days already and have what you need?!?!

Again, what you are saying does not add up. How are people supposed to give you a set amount of money if you don't even know what it is and won't tell people where it is going to? You DO need to explain that. It's "our" money that we would hypothetically be giving you for a reason. Not because you just want it.


Tora, I understand. You are basically giving charity to help the guy out, which is nice of you. I'm not 100% sure how you don't think it's BS. Unless, I guess you think he thinks this is true, even though it is not by a long shot. That would make more sense. So, you'd be basically giving him money for whatever, as opposed to it going towards why he is actually requesting it?

« Last Edit: February 15, 2021, 12:08:05 PM by Harrywangs »

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Re: Please help Yamon
« Reply #52 on: February 15, 2021, 12:04:31 PM »
The probleme here is the fact that it's not the first time, there lot of rumours wich said peoples give money to yamon since lot of times already.

If some peoples wanna give money to that guy privatly and personaly, then i guess it's ok, personal choice.

But Now begging for money on the the public forum.... For a story that he just repeat over and over since years...

Let me laugh please.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2021, 12:06:41 PM by Delete ME NOW! »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Please help Yamon
« Reply #53 on: February 15, 2021, 04:00:50 PM »
Takeaways I received from this thread:

  • There's a tourney coming up with $100 prize money, and Yamon needs another $100 :thinking:
  • Equinox got his legs broken by bikies over a $2K debt
  • Mutiny tips
  • Yamon calls people shitheads because they question the motives of this thread
  • Tora has a heart

I love my War2 family. Except Lance,  fuck you Lance.

Harry, bara, futile.

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Re: Please help Yamon
« Reply #54 on: February 15, 2021, 04:43:50 PM »
Tora, I understand. You are basically giving charity to help the guy out, which is nice of you. I'm not 100% sure how you don't think it's BS. Unless, I guess you think he thinks this is true, even though it is not by a long shot. That would make more sense. So, you'd be basically giving him money for whatever, as opposed to it going towards why he is actually requesting it?

I'll tell you my take away from Yamon is, he is one of those people that plans for the best and hopes the worst doesn't come. When in fact the proper mentality would be to plan for the worst and hope for the best.

I do know the guy has this idea that Biden with pass the stimulus and with his SSI he would have enough to get an apartment but I think everyone would agree that is a lot of assume.
It is impossible to live in NYC off SSI lmao, and it was really childish on his part to try coming here to do that.

Final word, I have spoken with a lot of mentally ill people over the years and they generally don't have a real grasp on how to conduct their lives on an every day basis.
Will donating to Yamon help him get back to normal? Probably not no. But $100 isn't a lot for me so I didn't mind doing it.
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Offline baRa

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Re: Please help Yamon
« Reply #55 on: February 15, 2021, 05:01:57 PM »
So basically Yamon isn't in fact trying to change his life around. Sounds like he is waiting for another handout to continue mooching off of others. I get that $100 isn't alot of money but it is like buying booze for an alcoholic. You are just enabling him to keep being dumb which he has no problem of doing all on his own.

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Re: Please help Yamon
« Reply #56 on: February 15, 2021, 05:17:26 PM »
So basically Yamon isn't in fact trying to change his life around. Sounds like he is waiting for another handout to continue mooching off of others. I get that $100 isn't alot of money but it is like buying booze for an alcoholic. You are just enabling him to keep being dumb which he has no problem of doing all on his own.

Ehhh, I guess cause I've lived in Manhattan for a long time I am used to homeless and mentally ill people. They are on every other block here.
Very easy to say "get a job and better yourself," to them. But I get the impression it's not that simple for them.
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Re: Please help Yamon
« Reply #57 on: February 15, 2021, 05:30:49 PM »
It's easy to get on forums and ask people for money that you have no physical connection to. It takes essentially no effort on your part. no discomfort... very little to no humility.

you wouldnt be in this situation if you had more discipline and managed your life/finances better.

if you have any desire to provide for yourself instead of relying on others to do it for you, teaching yourself a lesson by putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation might be beneficial long term. forcing yourself to experience humility.. going out in the cold streets with a sign, asking for money, being personally connected to the entire experience.

I like this response from TK
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Re: Please help Yamon
« Reply #58 on: February 16, 2021, 09:29:17 AM »
People seem to have glossed over this, but apparently Yamon lost his job because he didn't wear his mask.  Come on man!

I actually empathize with where Yamon started this off, saying he had work but needed to keep his place to stay to keep the work.  Looks like I came by too late to help though?  But also Harrywangs is asking good questions.  It's not clear exactly how much money is needed and for what exactly.

Offline tk[as]

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Re: Please help Yamon
« Reply #59 on: February 16, 2021, 12:51:05 PM »
there's almost no excuse not to have some sort of financial stability by 30.. mental illness being one of the few.

i have a brother in law who works for 2-3 months then intentionally does something to get fired/or quits and then doesnt work for 3-6 months until people get on his ass again. he's just a bit socially awkward and cant handle the stress of being around the same people after a couple months.. and it's easier to sit at home and play games while his parents support him financially.

dunno what yamon's case is but if it's some form of mild mental illness he should really get it evaluated and look into getting some form of disability. I have an uncle with mild schizophrenia who just cant mentally function in a work environment and depends on the 1400 a month or w/e.

but if it's just to get over a hump so he can move on to bigger and better things, great.. i'd be willing to help out later down the road if necessary.

if it's just a quick "gimme some money until it runs out and i start asking people again" then it's just going to be a 1 time thing from me.