So after i changed 0 units to 1 hidded unit seems like many bugs was fixed.

I tested just now with Kariu and GlassOfWater
1) Chat working normally 100%

2) I was obs in 2 games and in one game my stats not changed (i think cuz there was comp in this game)
and in other game i got +1 win

3) one of games was GOW and they hosted it in TVB mode and i was OBS. There was also He-Man and iSuck[is] and they played 2s with Kariu and GlassOfWater
and so they asked where was my spot but other 2 did not even know this cuz i was obs and my 1 unit was hidded.

So what i wanted to say is that this new feature seems like helping to make real OBS in TVB too
i mean to make obs that do not "give away" spots.

4) one of games was with comp and we had sucsessfully paired real player with comp in one team (with ally and viz)
but the problem is that they still need to kill that comp to win game so i will try to fix this bug next