Author Topic: Br League - Season 8 results  (Read 3343 times)

Offline Dudakurten

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Br League - Season 8 results
« on: December 02, 2021, 06:09:36 AM »
And the great champion of Season 8 is......


Congratulations for the first place on the league, finishing with a 16-2 record.

Performance per map:

Garden of War - classic: 5-1
Mine in the Center: 5-1
Rose Petal BNE: 6-0

Performance per enemy:

u8t3io3p 3 - 0 Lux
u8t3io3p 2 - 1 Talrand
u8t3io3p 2 - 1 OmeD
u8t3io3p 3 - 0 UN4
u8t3io3p 3 - 0 AA.NoobNiko
u8t3io3p 3 - 0 Player

Also congratulations to Talrand (9-3) and OmeD (7-5) for the 2nd and 3rd place.


u8t3io3p for the #1 place on the league
Talrand for the #2 place on the league
OmeD for the #3 place on the league
Theboy promoted to tier 1 division
Maciek promoted to tier 1 division
AA.GreenGoblin promoted to tier 1 division


Lux demoted to tier 2 division
Player demoted to tier 2 division
AA.NoobNiko demoted to tier 2 division
ZoraXx removed / inactive

Any player removed can request to join on the next season.

Hall of Fame

Complete results below, season 9 topic will be created shortly.

Garden of War

AA.NoobNiko < u8t3io3p
Lux < u8t3io3p
Lux > AA.NoobNiko
AA.NoobNiko < OmeD
Talrand > u8t3io3p
AA.NoobNiko < Talrand
OmeD > UN4
OmeD < Talrand
AA.NoobNiko < UN4
OmeD < u8t3io3p
UN4 < u8t3io3p
Talrand < UN4
Player > UN4
Player < U8t3io3p

Mine in the center BNE

AA.NoobNiko < u8t3io3p
Lux < u8t3io3p
Lux > AA.NoobNiko
AA.NoobNiko < OmeD
Talrand < u8t3io3p
AA.NoobNiko < Talrand
OmeD > UN4
OmeD < Talrand
AA.NoobNiko < UN4
OmeD > u8t3io3p
UN4 < u8t3io3p
Talrand > UN4
Player > UN4
Player < U8t3io3p

Rose Petal BNE

AA.NoobNiko < u8t3io3p
Lux < u8t3io3p
Lux > AA.NoobNiko
AA.NoobNiko < OmeD
Talrand < u8t3io3p
AA.NoobNiko < Talrand
OmeD > UN4
OmeD < Talrand
AA.NoobNiko < UN4
OmeD < u8t3io3p
UN4 < u8t3io3p
Talrand > UN4
Player > UN4
Player < U8t3io3p

Garden of War

Dudakurten < Maciek
AA.GreenGoblin > Dobicon
Dobicon > Dudakurten
AA.GreenGoblin < Dudakurten
Cavalo < Dudakurten
Dobicon < Maciek
Dudakurten < Theboy
Dobicon < Theboy
Cavalo < Theboy
Maciek > Theboy
AA.GreenGoblin > Theboy
AA.GreenGoblin < Maciek
Cavalo > Dobicon

Mine in the center BNE

Dudakurten < Maciek
AA.GreenGoblin > Dobicon
Dobicon < Dudakurten
AA.GreenGoblin > Dudakurten
Cavalo > Dudakurten
Dobicon < Maciek
Dudakurten < Theboy
Dobicon < Theboy
Cavalo < Theboy
Maciek < Theboy
AA.GreenGoblin < Theboy
AA.GreenGoblin < Maciek
Cavalo > Dobicon

Rose Petal BNE

Dudakurten < Maciek
AA.GreenGoblin > Dobicon
Dobicon < Dudakurten
AA.GreenGoblin > Dudakurten
Cavalo > Dudakurten
Dobicon < Maciek
Dudakurten < Theboy
Dobicon < Theboy
Cavalo < Theboy
Maciek > Theboy
AA.GreenGoblin > Theboy
AA.GreenGoblin > Maciek
Cavalo < Dobicon