Hi again,
Have played all five missions.
I like few changes:
- War1 AI prioritizing; firstly on workers, next knights, archers, footmans. It makes more sense than in War2 imo
- Archers/axethrowers attacks faster
- command lines from War3 about mine collapsing, not enough farms etc.
- special sounds (from War3) after a building gets ready
- AI using Raise Dead spell
And that's all I liked. Everything else are changes for worse

The worst of it is vision of every unit limited to 2.
Even archers, that has range on 4, has sight set on 3... that means they can shoot further than they can see, lol

That also means that AI archers fights a lot better than player's, cause AI can shot me while my archers has to make additional step to see their target. I'm sure it didn't work this way in Warcraft 1. Also, in Warcraft 1 there were walls and catapults, no fog of war and holy vision spell that is not available here for some reason.
Other thing is lack of clerics. Two paladins at the beginning are not the same for two reason: after using their mana player is out of healing for a long time; but... paladin is a unit with best stats in game so I have finished third and fifth missions by rushing opponent with only my start army.
Player is heavly limited to basic units only, without any area damage, without walls, without towers, without enough healing and with poor sight and map awarness. Meanwhile AI plays on insane level with tons of units sending every 5 minutes. Tried like 15 times to win second mission. Finally I gave up and wanted to check how you did it and... you didn't

On your YouTube video you have tried few times and later on cheat to the next mission

So I did the same thing.
Third mission starts with some units, including two Paladins. Win this one by rushing opponent, just all in to their base and hooray - I win something here!
Fourth was a pain. Seeing Runes casted automatically around my units I understood why Blizzard didn't learn AI how to use that spell

Imagine that in a normal, skirmish mission. You are sending army of paladins and half of them died before battle even starts

Anyway, I have finished this one with a lot saving/loading, almost after ever step on map.
Fifth starts again with strong group of units. My first attempt that I won was a rush and even orcish army with Death Knight didn't stopped me. After a victory I tried this again, just to play a more normal way. Tried few times but I couldn't beat AI. I had to defense all the time and barely I was able to rebuilt units I just lost. Don't know how to win this without rush.
All in all I think that Warcraft 1 was a way easier. Yes, there were the same "problems" like here with controls or with sending workers on a life long trips to new gold mine, but the AI was not so agressive and player had more tools to fight.