Author Topic: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream  (Read 24111 times)

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« Reply #60 on: November 19, 2024, 09:00:39 AM »
Maybe I’m simplifying it yes and I do remember the huntress spam (I did the same thing lol). Spam hunters and use starfall use to be win until people learned you can dodge starfall.

We do like our warcraft 2, we just recognize Warcraft 3 is a different game.  Building a hero collecting items, learning how to just micro all units because of up keep.  It’s a micro game vs macro game.  Many of the war2 players prefer macro, large battles.

We do recognize war2 is imbalanced.  Many people have developed mods including Danny and edo to balance it but the commmunity does not want these.  U8 says rebalance change had too many changes at once. 

I would really enjoy a Warcraft that was more age of empires mode driven.  Imagine 8 races with different techs.  I guess if they went the hero route that would be fine if they don’t make them op or collecting random gear on the way (it might appeal to us wc2 / sc / sc2 players) and would probably sell more copies.

Antonama actually makes a great Warcraft 3 map that has no heroes.  Problem is mechanics of Warcraft 3 (aka collision) don’t match.

Anyways, we all like our own flavors.

Im glad that we reached an understanding without throwing insults at each other you can't disagree with someone on the net nowadays without the conversation devolving into hurling insults.

If you like large battles which is what I like then I think my mod for warcraft 3 appeals to you , basically the whole idea of the mod is bigger armies with less focus on heroes what ended up happening is the mod lowers the skill ceiling for the game currently I have the upkeep system removed and you can build up to 300 units with no penalty on gold in its release version which I will work on before starting the wc2 balance mod the upkeep will be from 150 to 280 , the collision issue im very aware of and I spent 2 hours changing collision in wc3 reducing each model by 16 thus  units with 48 collision now have 32 units with 16 collision got -6 only , the thing is the mod is MPQ not a custom map , so maybe you guys will be interested in a more casual warcraft 3?
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Offline Incos

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Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« Reply #61 on: November 19, 2024, 09:07:33 AM »
If you link your project in the mods section I wouldn’t mind trying it. I support the no upkeep. Is it the main 4 races in Warcraft 3? - my twitch. Streaming 9:30pm - 11pm est most days!!

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« Reply #62 on: November 19, 2024, 09:23:34 AM »
If you link your project in the mods section I wouldn’t mind trying it. I support the no upkeep. Is it the main 4 races in Warcraft 3?

Well I didn't release anything of it yet as it still needs some final touches like placing a cap on the amount of units a spell can hit because reduced collision unintentionally meant spells like frost nova can damage 24 units which is OP too OP my mod has some crazy balance changes but to damage 24 units ? Hell nah man thats insane another thing is I assigned buffed versions of spells for campaign heroes thus breaking the game triggers that automatically picked spells for story heroes I need to properly fix those to prevent players from picking certain abilities in some missions imagine you can pick unholy aura in undead mission 1? Instead of having death coil automatically picked for you? Gonna need some polishing there to launch it.

Yes its only the 4 races with some changes for balance like priestess of moon being stronger while having the same spell kit basically she is a high stat hero with a average spell kit this was done to make her the easiest hero to play with when starting Night elf it also makes sense as a priestess would be the most willing to help new comers or something like that.

Lore has been used as inspiration for some balance changes like the huntress becoming a tier 2 unit with a weaker elune grace as she takes 95% dmg from pierce attack set to be 100% dmg in release version.

So yeah no new races as combined with all the balance changes the changes for armor the collision change the all units costing 1 food the model swaps for some campaign heroes and units like skeleton orcs looking like warcraft 2 grunts with 2 shoulder pads instead of 1 all these are more than enough more races would make it way way too much add on it the fact that new races would make the game unstable , and it would take a good amount of coding to do so which I can't do.

The best coding I did was add new AI functions to make AI train forest trolls in human mission 2.
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Offline Incos

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Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« Reply #63 on: November 19, 2024, 09:43:17 AM »
What’s your discord name ? - my twitch. Streaming 9:30pm - 11pm est most days!!

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« Reply #64 on: November 19, 2024, 10:38:09 AM »
What’s your discord name ?

Same as my name here , you can send me a msg now but I currently can't access my discord nor the files for warcraft 3
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Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« Reply #65 on: November 21, 2024, 10:03:55 AM »
people still got problem to run w1/w2, my friend cant play it both game crash, cant use saves also, so since blizzard cant fix that issue, I dont belive there will be single update for multiplayer

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Offline {Lance}

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Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« Reply #66 on: November 21, 2024, 01:02:40 PM »
The multiplayer isnt really playable anyway.  It's currently using fixed order.  If there are 4 players,  you'll get spots 4/5/6/8 randomly.  But everyone knows that all the other spots are open and if they have a neighbor or not,  without actually scouting.  I've been playing it,  but mainly just telling people about the fixed order.  Some dont even know what fixed order is until explained lol,  and then when you equate it to a maphack,  they finally begin to understand why its so bad.  I'll also tell them about ru around the same time.  You'd be surprised how many people didnt know RU even existed.

It's rather disturbing that they would update the Fog issue quickly,  but ignore this one (which is pretty much the same thing,  a map hack).  But even if they did,  theres just SO much other stuff that should be updated that it doesnt even make sense to keep going with it.  The thing should just be shut down asap IMO,  other than the nice visuals,  it's complete trash in its current state.

It's really to bad that the team didnt tap any of the users here for input before wasting time and money on a complete garbage release.  All that talk about "Getting it right" in the stream (about how Reforged was so F'd up),  and then proceeded to do the complete opposite in execution for each of the remasters lmfao.  War2 wasnt the only one that got mangled,  it was across the board.  I have a suspicion that the base they used for the remaster was actually the beta that come out before the actual release of war2 because it has bugs in it that were in the beta,  but not in the retail release (such as fixed order and fog).  Makes me wonder if someone lost the source code or something because thats the only thing that would make sense,  no one in their right mind would use a 30yr old Beta version for a "remaster"...... right?  LMFAO.  Also,  the lumber bug didnt exist in beta,  but it did exist in retail........... the lumber bug doesnt exist in the remaster.

I also dont think the speeds are quite correct either.  Speed 7 and 8 should correspond to EF and F.  But Speed 7 feels slightly slower than EF and F feels slightly faster than F.  IDK why that is.  The 8 speed didnt exist in the originals at the speed it is currently so maybe they messed that up somehow too.  EF and F werent introduced until Bnet and EF actually corresponded to Speed 8 in the original which was the max speed.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2024, 01:28:55 PM by {Lance} »
Dk At hall is cause I started with temple at start and didn't need the castle . Not a hack .  I wouldn't bother editing a ss btw

^---- Dellam doesnt hack!  See, even by his own admission, no hack!!  LMFAO.

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« Reply #67 on: November 21, 2024, 07:32:18 PM »
With all due respect man but I don't think blizzard would contact a group of people who made their version of the game for free , also this forum site is freaking niche and obscure at best so yeah no luck on this one.

Its pretty sad what they promised in the show and how they gonna fix reforged and do the RTS games justice well its been nothing but letdown after letdown the wc3 community is having some infighting about whether reforged graphics should be removed , custom maps got broken so much went wrong.

So how large is this team tasked with caring for the RTS branch of warcraft? They seem small...I have a feeling that a month from now no more updates for the wc1/2 remasters and they will just focus on slowly updating warcraft 3.

Note: just report bugs in the blizzard forums you won't get anything from bug reports here.
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Offline Mistral

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Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« Reply #68 on: November 22, 2024, 07:40:26 AM »
i can say for 100% speeds are correct
speeds array are = 50 3C 35 2E 28 21 1A 14 0D
which is exactly same as in BNE
last 2 being 14 and 0D which is 20 (EF) and 13 (F) milliseconds of System.Sleep between each game tick
you can see it directly in memory

What CAN BE incorrect with speeds array is how they use them
because it seems like they use QueryPerformanceCounter instead of old c++ Sleep as it was in BNE

well you also cannot say its not correct, from programming point of view its working ok and doing what it need to do
its just NOT SAME as was in original (even if wait timings array is same)
« Last Edit: November 22, 2024, 07:50:24 AM by Mistral »

Offline {Lance}

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Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« Reply #69 on: November 25, 2024, 10:59:37 PM »
Whatever it is,  it's certainly different :D  Rip the new assets out,  import them, and call it a day lol.
Dk At hall is cause I started with temple at start and didn't need the castle . Not a hack .  I wouldn't bother editing a ss btw

^---- Dellam doesnt hack!  See, even by his own admission, no hack!!  LMFAO.