ah yes eq who cheated in past fight against cheaters will defend cheater
can be more funny?

Yes it can
I hack for some month when i was 13 years old on bt net 25 years ago because i found a map hack call warcrap on google, ive never edit anything or create anything for my own purpose, it was a young kid who did bad things as an experience, and peoples like RIP, Splico, Altzu, Rat and some others that i cant remember their names have make my entire childhood at this game a total nightmare because of it.. This is for that reason that i hate hacking so much or any kind of cheating form. This is why i will always be against it, this is why i always told myself i will never hack again or support any hackers around me. I made a bad thing, i pay the price for it, ive been a man, i admit it, and peoples know i have always been sincer about it.. If you ask anyone in this server if they think i hack, im sure everyone will tell you im legit, more than peoples will tell you are legit! No one, and i mean no one, think i hack, excepting you, and i know you dont even think i hack, your just saying this as a defense because you want to bring me at your level! What does your signature say, dont argue with equinox because he will bring you to his level and beat you with experience, its exactly what YOU DO at the moment. You try to bring me at your level! But it cant work, because no one believe sush a dumb thing.
Now your there trying to tell me i protect hackers, but dont forgot im the one who has expose ragner, i dont protect ragner, i protect second chance, the chance to be forgive after admiting what he did, the same way the community have forgive me later when i also admit it. But you?! You dont deserve any chance, because your still there trying to say, im the hacker, im crazy, you got no proof, you got nothing.. But there a proof right here, the screen shot above this post show that you have acces the game with unkown source code, a source code the game cant regonize at all, a custom source code, a custom source code from 5 years ago, not 25 years ago while you had 13 years old just like me. What was that source code u8?
And what is that video bro, you have been spamming that video for the last 10 years, because its basicly the only video where you beat me, a video where you smurf and share and swap account with Vova. Not only its the only video you got, but you have to make me believe i was playing someone else and not being on my guard.. How much video did i post where i beat you straight up on my true account in 1v2? or even 1v3 from s9, 4-5?! Even your friends always laugh at you when we play togheter because you always end up beating so badly that you rage log because you are so mad.
Now, it's gonna be my last post about you for a long long time, because i will not get back into an arguing situation for weeks and months like i was doing some years ago.
At the end, You can say whatever you want, but my mind will never change about you, not because i hate you, but just because i know what i know, you have edited the game for your personal purpose, wich mean you have hack this game by pure definition, even if it seem useless are not important for some peoples, this is still hacking.
End of story, im done with you.