« on: May 04, 2021, 10:54:11 AM »
What is the point of this ladder anyway? It's a Neverending ongoing ladder with 50,000+ names on it. I've mentioned this before, but can't we revamp it and actually have it serve a useful purpose?
Have ladder seasons of 2-3 months each with a champ of each season
End of year Tourney with all season winners
Get promoted/demoted to different tiers (like sc2, GM, diamond, gold etc)
I'm sure there are alot of other great ideas we could implement. I know you will say no one cares about the ladder enough to justify the time and changes made. Obviously it's just a game and doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. However people still obviously care about it if they're asking questions etc.
I think it's worth looking into.