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1 / Re: Cheats
« Last post by Lone on Today at 03:24:38 AM »
hah, cool
Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by dannyldd on June 02, 2024, 09:13:41 PM »
You mentioned all about your mod, but you never mentioned triggers! I'm surprised there's so much you can change.

Isn't that what I refered to ? Triggers are the custom objectives... or custom mana cost for spells, or other fancy stuff that is available in Triggers Tool. Yet, using code-plugins allow to do more stuff than Triggers Tool.
This program allows to be more friendly for user to set these features for war2 modding.

Like just said above, the program exists since like early 2021, but haven't got almost any feedback about it... or my mods... or the ones from Ed.

If you're willing to see this stuff and way more, you can join both the Twitch or Youtube streams to see more of these features in real time when I'm testing them all.

just in case want to see more of the potential from these new generation modding features for Warcraft 2. All thanks to Ed gorod (or Mistral).
Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by pianolarva on June 02, 2024, 08:42:11 PM »
You mentioned all about your mod, but you never mentioned triggers! I'm surprised there's so much you can change.
Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by dannyldd on June 02, 2024, 08:11:00 PM »
I'm voting for you for the hall of fame, this is too good. What's everyone doing not using this mode? I especially like that you can have demons, the ogre mode, and autoheal.

There's one important thing I need to modify. The ranger upgrade. It sets the hp to 50. I tried adding a trigger but it didn't help.

Btw I'll edit unit stats on the editor because I couldn't find how to.

I haven't used triggers tool but I use Code instead. Plugins. Both creations by Mistral.

I have made a couple of mods already which use Code, aka: custom objectives, custom spells and way more stuff.

Here are all my mods:

The mods "Road of Heroes" + Legacy of Dalaran Enhanced are the current ones where I apply mana cost changes, faster attack speed for archer/troll/berserker/rangers, repairable catapults, way smarter AI, higher difficulty and way more.

This triggers tool exists since like early 2021 but haven't heard of anybody else who may have released an official campaign or custom maps with custom modding features, thanks to this program OR with code-plugins.

Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by pianolarva on June 02, 2024, 07:57:44 PM »
I'm voting for you for the hall of fame, this is too good. What's everyone doing not using this mode? I especially like that you can have demons, the ogre mode, and autoheal, and I think I also saw a random map generator!

There's one important thing I need to modify. The ranger upgrade. It sets the hp to 50. I tried adding a trigger but it didn't help.

Btw I'll edit unit stats on the editor because I couldn't find how to.
Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by pianolarva on June 02, 2024, 01:53:56 PM »
I'll take a look, didn't know about it. How is it not pinned on the forums? It looks great.
Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by Mistral on June 02, 2024, 07:44:08 AM »
maybe you insead try to use triggers editor?
there is way more stuff you can do with it
like changing upgrades power and spells costs
you can make map that can be played in triggers game mode

check this link for triggers editor prog:
Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by pianolarva on June 01, 2024, 10:19:42 PM »
There may be a way to edit game files and change this but I don't know how to. So that leads me to the final option:

Decrease hp, armor, damage values of everything until they are something like 35% of what they are now. Numbers would be somewhat similar. Cons: upgrades would be more powerful so they would cost more. Pros: spells would get interesting. Whirlwind would really do damage, flame shield too, and do you know what spell would actually be very good? HEALING. 150 mana would cure more than half a paladin.
Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by pianolarva on June 01, 2024, 05:54:08 PM »
thanks for the info, and for killing the project.
Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by Mistral on June 01, 2024, 04:11:23 PM »
unit walls hp do NOT affect tileset walls hp AT ALL
tileset walls always have 40 hp
and unit walls always will be changed into tilesets after completion, you cannot change it
so unit wall hp only in effect while wall is in build progres, which is very fast and if you say you make it even faster then walls hp itself is not affect almost anything

on the other hand tileset walls have very big resist, they are hardcoded to receive only 25% damage from any source even from mages and spells who have only piercing attack they still get 1/4 of dmg
BUT they always will get AT LEAST 1 hp, there is even some fun bug exists, if you set some unit stats for 0-0 attack, so he basically cannot do any damage to anything at all, this units will STILL be able to break walls very slowly though, with 1 hp per hit
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