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1 / Re: Special for harry
« Last post by Harrywangs on Today at 08:53:53 PM »
No, I don't have HD patch to see entire map. Show SS if you blocking my grunt in too when I tried to, lol.
2 / Re: Special for harry
« Last post by Szwagier on Today at 05:49:16 PM »
My peon was coming i wrote that to make sure you will ready, you failed

Let me guess you didnt see my peons where coming?

I dont see reason to write to you anything if you cant do what im asking and you will write "im horrible Ally" cause you cant do what im asking and it was very Simple command move grunt
3 / Re: Special for harry
« Last post by Harrywangs on Today at 05:37:31 PM »
I see no peon sitting there waiting but I see 1 grunt not hitting the rax yet. :)

"Going to hop" "move for peon to hop" "peon coming"
As you probably know a project for rewriting warcraft 3 using java is being developed known as "warsmash"

Now since warcraft 2 is a game with much less stuff in it than warcraft 3 lets say I want to rewrite this game , improve the pathfinding cuz its really awful especially with cliffs and water , can it be done using java? Note that I have no idea how coding works im not a programmer but maybe this can sow the seeds of this idea in someone else head someone talented enough.

What else to add? Better pathfinding comparable to wc3 , maybe add ability to see mana bars and health bars ? Just like warcraft 3 too.
5 / Special for harry
« Last post by Szwagier on Today at 03:11:47 PM »
Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: orc edition
« Last post by Pandaprewmaster325 on October 06, 2024, 12:32:24 PM »
depends on how many players there is on map
max units in editor is 600
and its divided per each player
600 / 8 = 75
and even if some players have like 1-2 units map editor still not allows others to have more than 75
but its only when 8 players on map
if you got like 2 players you can place 300 units each

Ahhh so it shrinks the more there is players well I think fall of stromgarde has like 2 players? And siege of the capital city has 4? Then 150 for each player? Well 150 for nation of lordaeron would be enough to place down many towers and expand the base.
Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: orc edition
« Last post by Mistral on October 06, 2024, 12:24:27 PM »
depends on how many players there is on map
max units in editor is 600
and its divided per each player
600 / 8 = 75
and even if some players have like 1-2 units map editor still not allows others to have more than 75
but its only when 8 players on map
if you got like 2 players you can place 300 units each
Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: orc edition
« Last post by Pandaprewmaster325 on October 06, 2024, 12:17:46 PM »
You know if im gonna include campaign missions in the mod and make some unique units for some maps like royal guards for siege of stromgarde these would be footmen and knights I posted about it before my idea for these "king's guards" is one footman should be able to kill 2-3 grunts alone to make it more difficult in assaulting the city stats wise im not so sure im thinking about footmen with 75 HP 6 base armor and damage of a knight , the mounted royal guard (knight) will  be something along the lines of 120-140 health 8 base armor and attack of 15-20 I think these stats won't allow these units to kill off 2-3 of their counterparts but I really want to make such cool units these will be used in both stromgarde , and the siege of the capital city.

For the last orc mission it would need some overhauls like making the city walled off with much larger base multiple barracks huge array of towers question is  can the editor allow for such thing to happen without reaching the limit of units on the map as I heard that maximum one player can have units through the editor is 75 units per player.
9 / Re: Ban AlexTrebek?
« Last post by ~ToRa~ on October 04, 2024, 02:31:21 PM »
No sure who that is.
Lot of random names under that guys account.
10 / Re: Ban AlexTrebek?
« Last post by 00Brett on October 04, 2024, 12:21:43 PM »
sigh... this harassment is wild
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