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Messages - iL

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General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 02, 2022, 07:29:09 PM »
At least russians feels NATO like a hostile block.
And looks like they have reasons to think so...

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 02, 2022, 07:15:27 PM »
Get those 3 main requirements fulfilled and possible entry into Nato increases substantially.  Do I think Russia will ever be a part of Nato?  No,  not in my lifetime but it's a possibility if the people want it bad enough.
Putin told in one of his speech: a country should not solve security problems at the expense of other countries. (One of NATO principals).

Each east europe country joining NATO reduces distance to main russian cities. NATO is gradually approaching to Russia. That is unacceptable to Russia.

Also Putшт said he talked to Clinton (if i remember properly) and asked him about Russia to join NATO.
Clinton made it clear Russia is not welcomed to NATO ever...

General Discussion / Re: To all our Ukrainian brothers!
« on: March 02, 2022, 07:03:25 PM »
I have seen videos of interviews with captured PoWs and based on their physical appearance,  it almost looks like they are 15-18yrs old.
Official russian meda says these are ukrainian fakes. :)
1. no sense to use conscripts in such operations
2. no way to be captured: warriors move together, shoulder to shoulder. If ukrainians capture russians, they could be captured together. But operation is planned very well, so no captured russians at all should be.

Also russian medias say ukrainians are masters of fake. In many areas. Like to mass-kill civilians and then make it look like russian agression.

General Discussion / Re: To all our Ukrainian brothers!
« on: March 02, 2022, 06:39:09 PM »
Interesting question about the Military requirement.  Here it's called the Draft,  in other places it's called Conscription and I believe Russia's military is at least 50% conscripts,  if not more.  Compare that to the US where the military is 100% volunteer.  Volunteers always fight harder than Conscripts.  IMO Ukraine should not have banned all males 18-60 from fleeing.  They should have said if you want to run like a pussy,  then run, because you'd be a waste of bullets anyway.  Kind of like in War2 when you ally a noob who is a complete waste and would actually be better if they werent in the game at all because they are wasting a mine you could be using yourself.
Our official media says there's no conscripts used in this operation. I'm inclined to believe, because of your arguments. Putin is not an idiot, he understands that much better than me and you. :)
Russian militaries had a very big experience last years: in Syria and many other regions.
Our medias say that russians won quickly in regions where USA waste many years and lost.

General Discussion / Re: To all our Ukrainian brothers!
« on: March 02, 2022, 06:27:02 PM »
Yes we do.
That is sad, then many good people will die if i understand that properly from my side...
I just hope it won't come to that.

Even if our army will loss Russia cannot control this land. I think more than 90% of Ukrainian hate Russia now. Just imagine, you are still afraid of UPA (Bandera). Now all the Ukraine will be UPA.
Or maybe you think someone from Moscow will decide which TV-channels we can watch what books we can read and what songs we can sing?
Yes, i mean army here. If russian army win, they will probably set president loyal to Russia. They will not allow nuclear weapon/probably any weapon and army for Ukraine. They will not allow integration to NATO.
They will also prohibit glorification of Nazism as they understand it.
They will most likely prohibit glorification of Bandera, Hitler and others who they refer to nazists.
They will most likely prohibit calls for killing/hatred russians.
And they should let everything else stay as is.
That is how i understand things according on what i see in russian medias.

Previously I thought that you are quite smart guy, Il. What happened with all of you?
Completely different informaion from media i think.
That was not about attack to Belarus, that's about how easy he talks about next steps after winning Russia.
Probably no one here believes that the Ukrainian army can defeat the Russian army. And Zelenskiy tells like Russian army is almost defeated...

Yes, you were going to take Kyiv in two day. And before yesterday you had 1 soldier killed.  Today 500. Do you still trust them? See above: "Previously I thought that you are quite smart guy, Il."
Partially. I think they embellish reality as happens in any war.
Also they say russians want to minimize civilian casualties, that's why they move slower than that could be possible. And now they have to move faster...

Sanctions... All your country is nothing now. You are kicked off all the sport organization, all the culture and scientific events.
Yes, looks scary a bit. Especially economic sanctions. Ruble drops down from 80 to 100 one day, government trying to hold it as possible, supply chains are being broken.
Looks like our life will be much more difficult next years...

You always "understand" all the position. So, answer me to my question.
Tomorrow you will be taken to army. What will you do? Buy doctor's note that you are sick? What if you cannot? Will take a gun and visit Lviv to kill us?
This is your "truth"?
Yes, personally i'd prefer to buy note that i'm sick or w/e like that. Not because i'm afraid, but because i don't want to kill fraternal people.

I think russians are much less patriotes than ukrainians is this situation, i mean civilians. We are not ready to die for that war.
I think russians don't see enemy in ukrainians. Russians see enemy in the forces behind ukrainians.

General Discussion / Re: To all our Ukrainian brothers!
« on: March 02, 2022, 03:11:47 PM »
@Zelya i just hope you still don't hate me or any other russians you know because of Putin's attack to Ukraine.
I can't imagine how you feel now, i just hope our talks appropriate in that situation...

What do people near you think about the future? Do they plan to fight against russian army with their guns? How they imagine chances for win or loss?

I heared Zelenskiy said Ukriane plans to attack Belarus after win against Russia, is that true? From russian side that looks like a bad joke...
Russians have no doubt Putin will win success this "operation" in near future. The main discussions here are about USA/EU sanctions against Russia, our answers for that sanctions and our future life under that sanctions...

Our medias give completely different information to russians and to ukrainians, so who can know where is truth and where is lie...
I completely understand your hatred of the invaders, but i also understand russian position based on russian "truth"...

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: February 28, 2022, 09:48:40 PM »
One of recent videos from east Ukraine observer.
Trying to proof russians are not bad guys.

Just a video with english translation

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: February 28, 2022, 09:40:15 PM »
Interesting,  so this is essentially the same type of group that the Russians have (chechen "Special Purpose Military Units"),  extremists that go over the top with brutality and cruelty.
Yes, exactly,
chechen "Special Purpose Military Units" are being used to knock out the nazi from cities and fortified facilities. Their tasks: to attack nazi, not touching civilians.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: February 28, 2022, 09:34:48 PM »
I have hope that the Ukraine citizens will drag out taking of Kiev for a very long time but I agree,  eventually,  it's going to crumble.  If it cant be taken without minimal loss of civilians (which appears to have at least been attempted),  he's simply going to carpet bomb the place,  level it into the stone age and then there will literally be nothing left.  Is that a victory?  In his eyes,  yes.
Official media in Russia tells (also Putin set the same task) that russian army use pinpoint strikes to military objects, they don't use aviation or weapons of mass destruction against cities and even against enemies soldiers. Only military objects. They also don't destruct brigdes, communication channels, etc.
about 3-4 days of attacks, huge part of territories freed (or occupied, depending on point of view), but infrastructure still working almost 100%: electricity, internet, water supply and so on.
So they say carpet bombs would be unacceptable way for russian army.

Another side, as they say: nazi (ukrainian army) use their (ukrainian) civilians as a shield. They know russians will not attack with risk of killing ukrainian civilians.
Something like that...

but I am curious,  how exactly is he going to "De-Nazify" a population/government that has no Nazis in it?
That is a good question. There are different assumptions, but nobody knows definitely. We just have to hope and believe Putin has a plan :)

I tell you what Ukraine does have a lot of that needs to be cleaned up though,  oligarch corruption.  It's just as bad if not worse than Russia itself.
Putin said nothing about "decorrution". Only about "denazification and demilitarization"

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: February 28, 2022, 08:13:25 PM »
Hoping this all calmly de-escalates.. but stilll trying to calculate all possibilities.
My thoughts:
The most possible scenario, is Putin will take Kiev, denazify and demilitarize the Ukraine and sanctions will grow up all the time.
After that a de-escalation will happen eventually.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: February 28, 2022, 08:01:29 PM »
im starting to question whether putin will succeed or not.
As i see here: everybody is sure he will win against Ukraine.

media in U.S. seems to say "entire world against putin right now"
Yes, the entire western world. China actively abstains, possibly they will help Russia. Other asian countries also wait.

might be fake news. very well could be... U.S. media makes it sound like most russians against Putin right now.
Many russians dislike Putin's activity against Ukraine, many people applaud him.

but if it's even remotely true... Putin is going to have 2 options: 1) continue with mission and risk economic collapse or militaristic retaliation from western nations (i think economic collapse is possible. western retaliation unlikely)   .. or 2) turn around and appear weak.
Nobody trust he will turn around. That would be absolute stupidity. We ALREADY got all the sanctions. Putin said all the risks are calculated. We have nothing but hope and believe that.
And yes, economic collapse is almost our new reality, russians are going to get ready to it, as possibe to get ready...

Another problem is USA: that inflation risk in USD, stock markets are growing for too long time, the question is WHEN the downfall will happen. There's a big chance these mutual sanctions can be a heavy blow to USA economic. So, it's time for you to get ready to it too...

Right now Ukraine is trying to fast track its way into NATO it sounds. If that happens, Russia will be invading a NATO country... and he will have almost no choice but to retreat... or risk a war that will most likely escalate to nuclear magnitude.
If NATO will take Ukraine now, that will be absolute stupidity. Putin will not stop as he ALREADY attacks Ukraine, so NATO will have to choose: to attack Russia and turn the world to WW3 or to not help Ukraine and shows weakness.
BTW, country being in war with someone can't join NATO, so i think that scenario is extremely unlikely.
Same as unlikely scenario that Ukraine join the EU now.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: February 28, 2022, 07:12:34 PM »
I'll put it like this,  if someone is caught going against the state (either protesting in the streets or disparaging them in a public forum such as this),  it's literally a minimum of 10yrs in prison.  So I'm not surprised that the Russian members are quiet on this.
As we can see on TV, if someone is protesting in the streets as part of the group, he will go to police and then will go home in 12-48 hours.
Much more serious if someone desecrate monuments of WW2 or something like that. That's sacred for Russia. Then it can be a several months in prison. Or that can be nothing, it depends...

What is truth? Who knows that?
Last 8 years russian official media showed how ukrainian nazi kills citizens of the east regions of Ukraine. Also these 8 years russian official media showed that Eupore/USA ignored these facts.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: February 28, 2022, 06:55:07 PM »
Lol, no one is intervening here, so Russia will most likely successfully oust the sitting ukrainian government in the coming days.
Yes, most russians, same as even most ukrainians have the same thoughts.
Everybody understand sanctions will not stop anybody.

you think russians all hate this war?
Some russians hate it, some other enjoy it.
Putin's rating is about 75% and grows up on these events.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: February 28, 2022, 06:45:46 PM »
I am curious how the average Russian feels about this.

Do they support putin. Are they against the invasion of ukraine?

.. or is Russia so oppressive that it is not safe for anybody to speak freely on the issue if they do not support putin?
There are different opinions in Russia about that.
Many people support Putin, many people not.
It depends on what medias you watch.

There's a lot "opposite" medias who criticise current government. I'd say they tell the same point of view as the point of view in the USA.
Putin doesn't touch them except they cross some red lines (like explicit support for Nazism). Then such medias begin to have big problems.

There's a lot of media personalities (well-known actors, singers, scientists, etc) who condemn russian aggression against Ukraine and they condemned most russian government activity before that agression.
Some other people think that's because these they have some realty in USA/Europe and they are being afraid to loss it. Looks like nobody is being afraid of Putin, but they are afraid on USA/Europe.

But i'd say last 2-3 days that's going to be dangerous to publicly criticize Russian aggression soon. Of course that's related to popular bloggers with millions subscribers. No any problems for some random persons with 50-100 member communities.
Last 2-3 days russian government asked to not call that "a war", "an invasion", but "a special military operation".
Not sure if there will be some problems for those who ignore, but i'd say it's time for big changes in Russia.

75 / Forum and site migrated
« on: February 28, 2022, 04:00:27 PM »
Here's the message i got from old hoster:

Russia service termination

Dear Ilya,

Unfortunately, due to the Russian regime's war crimes and human rights violations in Ukraine, we will no longer be providing services to users registered in Russia. While we sympathize that this war may not affect your own views or opinion on the matter, the fact is, your authoritarian government is committing human rights abuses and engaging in war crimes so this is a policy decision we have made and will stand by.

If you hold any top-level domains with us, we ask that you transfer them to another provider by March 6, 2022.

Additionally, and with immediate effect, you will no longer be able to use Namecheap Hosting, EasyWP, and Private Email with a domain provided by another registrar in zones .ru, .xn--p1ai (рф), .by, .xn--90ais (бел), and .su. All websites will resolve to 403 Forbidden, however, you can contact us to assist you with your transfer to another provider.

Customer Support,

Though they said about March 6, 2022, hosting stopped working yesterday.

That's very sad to have such problems, has no relation to any kind of war against any country or w/e, we just want to let everybody enjoy playing war2.
Everybody in the world.

Looks like both en.war2.rn and are working now.
Some small functionality is not working, i'll fix that a little later...
Let me know if something became broken.

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