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Messages - Igognito

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General Discussion / Re: Is communism good or bad?
« on: May 09, 2018, 12:32:11 PM »
@3bdushakur, you are wrong on the following:
As for the Catholics, the Pope is not comparable with the Khalifah of the Muslims. The Khalifah has actual political, legislative and religious authority, the Pope doesn't. The Pope is merely a living idol for the Catholics to worship besides Allah. He is the Supreme living leade for the Catholics, as for the Muslims, the Khalifah is a man appointed the position and responsibility of leadership of an entire nation, he is not worshipped, he is not elavated to sainthood or any godhood (much like the Shi'ah and their Ayatoilets). The Shi'ah worship their leaders as gods on earth as per their religious doctrines, they are polytheists, like the Catholics.

Yes, the Pope normally had full political, legislative, religious and military authority. Slowly the Pope was forced to give up to secular power and eventually democracy was reinstated and removed all except his religious authorities. The Pope until 1563 in practice was an Emperor having authority over multiple nations (and even over Empires, such as the Portuguese and Spanish).

So we do agree that Islam and Democracy are incompatible ;-)
I do not see why we disagree with the Caliph? I think we say the same thing with different words... You place a Caliph per state while the normal definition has 1 Caliph for all Muslims.
About Shia and Sunni, I'm not an expert I only know that Shia are more radical and want a Caliph that is directly connected to Muhammad and the Sunni allow a leader that is appointed by representatives. Anyhow, we can put out Shia from the discussion.

Well Communism as an ideology doesn't necessarily removes religion. Marx did stated that religion should not be involved in politics and economics, and also he personally was against religion but that doesn't mean that Communism cant co-exist with a religion like: Buddhism or Confucianism or Traditional Chinese religion even with some sects of Hinduism. Those religions have nothing to do with authoritarianism and could co-exist with Communism. (ps: Buddhism, Confucianism normally are only philosophies but are refereed as religions because the promote inner spiritual elevation)

General Discussion / Re: Is communism good or bad?
« on: May 09, 2018, 10:26:49 AM »
an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state

Lets refine a bit your Capitalism definition...
Taken by wikipedia:

Capitalism is an economic system based upon private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit.

State is not related with Capitalism.

And as u pointed out in an abstract way capitalism is perfectly fine with Islam! Actually, Islam is much closer to Capitalism than what Christianity is!

And what u refer that Muslims want is a Caliphate with a Caliph. Historically, the "last" somewhat accepted caliphate was from the Ottoman Empire. After the dissolve of the empire no Muslim nation/power managed to set a caliph that would be widely accepted.

And here we come to the next point, Islam is inherently authoritarian. Islam defines a Supreme Leader setting it as an authoritarian ideology.
ps1: Catholicism also has a Supreme Leader (Pope) and is similarly authoritarian to Islam. Notice that I'm mentioning Catholicism and not Christianity because there are other branches of Christianity that are not so authoritarian.
ps2: To the best of my knowledge only 1 zero authoritarian ideology exists: Anarchism. In general we tend to call authoritarian a system that has 1 supreme leader, or very small leadership that has supreme authority (examples: Stalin's communist party; China's communist party).

Economically speaking:
So Islam, up to the point of "religious restrictions" is completely compatible with capitalism. Actually, more than what Christianity is which promotes the abolish of personal property and promotes its donation to the needy.

Politically speaking:
Islam is authoritarian, and inherently does not go well with Democracy (especially with the Shia Muslims). Sunni Muslims are authoritarian again but from a more wide population base (I would put them close to Catholics in that aspect choose in a representative way your supreme leader).

Do we agree up to here?

Next point, can we have Capitalism and True Democracy together?

Okay, this is difficult to answer. The moment you have Capitalism you automatically create entities that have more power than others. These entities, lets use the term Oligarchs, end up controlling the Democratic system. This results in having ochlocracy (mob ruling) which is what we experience pretty often in modern times.

Okay, I'm taking it far I know... But what I wanted to point out is that in these discussions people are mixing different ideologies (common problem).

Economic Ideologies:
Political Ideologies:
Authoritarian Systems (Kingdoms, Dictatorships, Oligarchies, etc)
Religious Ideologies:
Other Christianity

For many people from the USA: Democracy = Capitalism; Christianity = Catholicism; Socialism = Communism; Communism implies Dictatorship etc...

So you get funny discussions with questions like: Communism is good or bad? But they are actually asking whether a specific communist regime of Russia was good or bad?
Because if they asked specifically whether the Communist Ideology (as theoretically is defined) is good or bad? The answer would be obvious :-P

The problem is whether good ideologies are actually applicable.
Take for example: Anarchism. It is the best ideologically political system... But it is simply Utopian and not applicable. The closest we can get to it is a Democratic Socialist country such as Sweden. Many philosophers/sociologists claim that the next step which should be doable is to go to a Democratic Communist state but we are not there yet.

Ohh and where religion fits to all these? Well you cant have an authoritarian religion to be dominant if you want a truly Democratic Socialist country because you would have to many "authoritarian supporters = rightist". To return to our example Sweden is not Catholic but Lutheran (Protestant) that mean no Pope, no Religious authority (more or less).

I hope my post helps clarify why these discussions lead to nowhere usually :-D

Mods & Development / Re: Lat Trick Bot
« on: May 08, 2018, 10:38:29 AM »
The idea is that the Bot will do the Nx(N-1) combinations that we need for everybody to be able to host.

I'd attach it to status, file:
It updates in real-time when the game being hosted, players join, leave, etc.
So you need Nx*1 combinations and in only a moment when the game is being hosted.
So that would be enough to implement lat trick for only ones who've been hosted the game right last moment. Also you can check "port_isopen" parameter. If "port_isopen":"1", you don't need lat trick at all.

For starters it is possible that what I want to do might need to alter the code of the PvPGN server. If so I might need your help to set up a developer server and then you might need to upgrade to the new server.

Well, i'd prefer to edit and update the code myself, but yes, i think i can share that code to you to let you make changes if you need that.
And yes, i think we can setup a developer server for our modifications.

While it is still very early to discuss such details...
I can tell you that doing lat trick the moment someone hosts wont work.
Until the whole procedure is executed and ports are open (takes a small time for that) people will have already tried to enter and failed.

On the other hand, if we have a flag that tells me who requires the lat trick, that I can certainly use!

What we actually need is that the channel is handled as an open game. Then slowly the channel does the necessary connections.
Some possible problems is that players channel latency might increase a bit.

For those that have noticed, now that I connect by using a 4G network when I join a game I'm shown with red bars. I also create a small lag peek. It takes a few seconds for the red bars and lag to disappear. This occurs because the me x N port opening process that happens automatically when u join a game. This behavior exactly I want to add in channel.

X = excluded usernames (bots, chat only accounts etc...)
N = port_is_open:1 ; port_forced_open:1
M = port_is_open:0

Upon init of bot;
We need M*(M+N) combinations...
and mark this M as port_forced_open:1

When someone leaves the channel we mark: port_forced_open:0
When someone enters the channel we run the init again. Or every now and then (if we see it causes problems to run often)...

Furthermore, we need to keep the connections open or have that port_forced_open expire.

About the code of PvPGN...

The PvPGN is an open project anyway ( I will only need the version and a dev server.

When we are done, feel free to check my patch if any. Also by the opportunity I might transfer the Elo in \stats. I somewhere read ( that in PvPGN we could even have custom fields shown with \stats. That could be the ideal actual as we do not modify at all the normal functionality just add the Custom ladder info.

Anyhow, I will not be starting this before the 20th. I have to much work :/ But I hope until the 20th I will have got the attention of @AHB, @tupac and possible other bot implementors that might help me with this.

General Discussion / Re: Is communism good or bad?
« on: May 08, 2018, 09:07:47 AM »
muslim and capitalist ideology = contradiction

muslims corrupted by western liberalism only have these sociopath ideas.

That is an actual interesting point to consider.
Can you be a true Muslim believer and a fully pledged capitalist at the same time?

Up to what point the two ideologies converge or clash!

50 / Re: best warcraft 2 player of all time
« on: May 08, 2018, 09:01:58 AM »
I repeat my question :-P


Who knows this guy?
I wonder if it is the same mcadder I knew from Kali.

Could you please give me more information for him?
If it is the same guy I knew he was one of the best Greek players in the end of 90s.


Mods & Development / Lat Trick Bot
« on: May 07, 2018, 10:50:34 AM »
Hello all,

a well known problem we have on the server is that many of us are unable to host games.
Recently, an idea come to my mind and I'm planning to explore it.

I'm thinking of making a Lat trick Bot.
The idea is that the Bot will do the Nx(N-1) combinations that we need for everybody to be able to host.

The way I'm planning to do so is by assuming that the Channel is one big game.

Do I know how to do it? Certainly not! I just have the idea for now and know that with some implementation work everything can be done :-D

So what is this post: This is a recruiting post!
For @AHB, @tupac and other PvPGN know hows to join up with me and help!

@iL, We also are going to need your help! For starters it is possible that what I want to do might need to alter the code of the PvPGN server. If so I might need your help to set up a developer server and then you might need to upgrade to the new server.

Thank you for organizing those Smeagol!

pball build is very fun to play, and I think we need to promote it more to the group.

Last night I didnt watch the final games of Proof vs Mikulz who won eventually? It was 2-1 when I left.
Also please send me the 4th and 5th(if there is) replays.

I will try to make commentaries of them :-) together with the other ones!


53 / Re: A new Indie RTS in the style of Warcraft 2
« on: May 07, 2018, 08:49:50 AM »
Possibly post some links for us to start?

I'm willing to beta test :-D

General Discussion / Re: Windows 95?
« on: May 07, 2018, 08:47:48 AM »
My list of OS that I have used over time to play war2...

MS-DOS 6.2 (I think that was the version)
Win 95
Win 98
Win 2000
Win XP
Win 7

The best was on my 486/DX4 with 12MB of ram under MS-DOS with the DOS Kali version and a 36.6Kbps modem


General Discussion / Re: Is capitalism good or bad?
« on: May 07, 2018, 07:19:43 AM »
Capitalism could be fair if everybody started with equal opportunities. And if you competed only within your division.

Do we all start with equal opportunities?

Lets do a hybrid system: Until adulthood we have communism (everybody equal) then from 18+ we have capitalism...
Family, wealth, gender, race, etc. cant affect your growth until adulthood.

Then you are responsible for the rat race :-D

Actually, see capitalism/communism as a football championship.

In capitalism money, connections/etc affect how strong a team will be how influential it is going to be. Winning brings you more money than losing, as a result the more you win the stronger you become.
In communism all teams start at equal ground, winning or losing brings you the same amount of money thus your growth is equal with the opposite teams.

ps: I do not want to support neither Communism neither Capitalism both systems are horrible in their own ways and both systems have good ideologies behind them.

56 / Re: best warcraft 2 player of all time
« on: May 07, 2018, 07:10:26 AM »

Who knows this guy?
I wonder if it is the same mcadder I knew from Kali.

Could you please give me more information for him?
If it is the same guy I knew he was one of the best Greek players in the end of 90s.


General Discussion / Re: Windows 95?
« on: May 04, 2018, 01:38:56 PM »
Lol, I have a really old laptop that used to be win 98 I think.
But not at my current location :-/

I will try to remember to get u a picture of it when I can.

Small suggestion. Could you please make a zip file with all the maps of the competition and upload it?
This way we do not need to go map hunting, and can just have a competition map folder!

Did you forgot to upload the map?

Seeing the original version it seems a cool map :-)

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