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31 / Babyshark
« Last post by RagneR on May 29, 2024, 04:37:36 PM »
I also personally apologize to BabyShark for misusing her trust. She was and is a good friend of mine, I got to know her as a person, I think enough to say, no one is perfect, but she has proven quite a few of her good qualities. Forgive me BabyShark that our acquaintance happened like this. I'm sorry I took advantage of your trust. As well as the trust of others.
32 / Re: Cheats 2
« Last post by Nox on May 29, 2024, 03:21:56 PM »
I wish everyone understand Ragner is not the only one who have used differents methods to gain advantage over their competitors. So dont act like hes the devil himself, because there peoples worst than him who will never do what he did today, believe me.

I wish peoples forgive Ragner and dont start to ask him everyday if he cheats against them, he admit it, said sorry, and ask for forgiveness, now it's past, it seem like he decide to take another path today and being an honnest player, and thats the only thing we must remember about this, leave this guy alone, cuz what he did today need alot of courage and thats the first step to an healty environement with good friends in confidence.

33 / Re: Cheats 2
« Last post by BHC-JesK on May 29, 2024, 03:14:50 PM »
34 / Re: War2 RU Ladder......
« Last post by BHC-JesK on May 29, 2024, 03:10:26 PM »
are there no admins left? is the server dead?
35 / Re: Equinox must get his honor back
« Last post by Nox on May 29, 2024, 03:01:52 PM »
Ill forgive you Ragner, everyone can do mystake, but mostly no one have the courage you have today, in 20 years on this server, thats the first time i feel respected and not treat like i have mental issues, thank you my friend, your a good person, past dont make your future, your a man with alot of honor, from tonight, you will be able to sleep knowing that you got the respect of the greatest Warcraft II player of all time, maybe not the best, but clearly the greatest, i wish you the best in your life. :newthumbsup:
36 / Re: Cheats 2
« Last post by Player on May 29, 2024, 09:00:45 AM »
Oh wow. Perm ban from server for at least 2 hours.
37 / Re: Cheats 2
« Last post by O4L on May 29, 2024, 03:47:29 AM »
You are forgiven
38 / Cheats 2
« Last post by RagneR on May 28, 2024, 09:14:00 AM »
Known Use Cases. I won KGB Agent 4-1. After which the masters began to notice me and give me honor. Being an ignorant person, I accepted this honor, but now I understand that real honor, achieved in an honest way, is much more important. I always thought so. But I didn’t give up on the bad either. Here and now I decided to tell you that I am not clean, although I am not dirty, since you already know about it. I used such a program extremely rarely, often it was more as a joke than to achieve victory for which a reward was assigned. By reward I mean greatness and respect in our community.
I used this against spb- for sure. I have a feeling I used this against Sepi and braviet, but I'm not 100% sure. I try to remember specific cases in order to express my apologies to each person personally. I may not remember all the cases, but I definitely apologize to anyone I have used this against.
39 / Cheats
« Last post by RagneR on May 28, 2024, 07:52:29 AM »
I also used a program of dubious origin which gave an advantage. This is the easiest cheat that gives a minimal advantage. It's easy to spot because it's used like this:

The first stage is you creating a game, because only the creator of the game can save it. This is what is needed. The game is saved, and the game file ends up in the maps/save folder.

This saved file is added to the program in which you can look closely to see the squares, this is a town hall, therefore this is how the spot is calculated.

How to notice: you and everyone present have a saved game file. It can be saved just like that (by accident, for example), or it can be saved for the purpose of using a cheat.
40 / Re: Equinox must get his honor back
« Last post by RagneR on May 28, 2024, 06:24:16 AM »
Regarding stream sniping, I even had another account for stream sniping, which was called BigBossFromCanada.
I used a VPN to hide my IP and change the flag on Twitch, so I tried to hide myself, although in fact Equinox guess that it was me. Maybe he even knew.
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