Author Topic: the mystery of violence in baltimore  (Read 57119 times)

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Re: the mystery of violence in baltimore
« Reply #30 on: August 18, 2017, 01:19:45 AM »
juggling with vague term "racism" doesnt work on anyone except for tumblr whales

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Re: the mystery of violence in baltimore
« Reply #31 on: August 18, 2017, 09:31:03 AM »
vague term "racism"

 :D :)) :))

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Re: the mystery of violence in baltimore
« Reply #32 on: August 18, 2017, 10:00:00 AM »
yes. systemic racism increases the likelihood of black men being put in prison more frequently than white men.

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Re: the mystery of violence in baltimore
« Reply #33 on: August 18, 2017, 10:08:21 AM »
yes, it is vague in the context of "black men in jail cuz racism" "single moms cuz racism" "lower income cuz racism" "violence cuz racism". it does not explain anything at all, your ultimate joker - its as strong as me calling you a nigger, you dumb nigger

will the mystery of violence in baltimore remain unsolved? or are you acknowledging that its because of niggers - but somehow blame white people?

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Re: the mystery of violence in baltimore
« Reply #34 on: August 18, 2017, 10:22:43 AM »

Mental Retardation
Mental retardation is a developmental disability that first appears in children under the age of 18. It is defined as an intellectual functioning level (as measured by standard tests for intelligence quotient) that is well below average and significant limitations in daily living skills (adaptive functioning).
Mental retardation occurs in 2.5-3% of the general population. About 6-7.5 million mentally retarded individuals live in the United States alone. Mental retardation begins in childhood or adolescence before the age of 18. In most cases, it persists throughout adulthood. A diagnosis of mental retardation is made if an individual has an intellectual functioning level well below average and significant limitations in two or more adaptive skill areas. Intellectual functioning level is defined by standardized tests that measure the ability to reason in terms of mental age (intelligence quotient or IQ). Mental retardation is defined as IQ score below 70-75. Adaptive skills are the skills needed for daily life. Such skills include the ability to produce and understand language (communication); home-living skills; use of community resources; health, safety, leisure, self-care, and social skills; self-direction; functional academic skills (reading, writing, and arithmetic); and work skills.
In general, mentally retarded children reach developmental milestones such as walking and talking much later than the general population. Symptoms of mental retardation may appear at birth or later in childhood. Time of onset depends on the suspected cause of the disability. Some cases of mild mental retardation are not diagnosed before the child enters preschool. These children typically have difficulties with social, communication, and functional academic skills. Children who have a neurological disorder or illness such as encephalitis or meningitis may suddenly show signs of cognitive impairment and adaptive difficulties.
Mental retardation varies in severity. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) is the diagnostic standard for mental healthcare professionals in the United States. The DSM-IV classifies four different degrees of mental retardation: mild, moderate, severe, and profound. These categories are based on the functioning level of the individual.
Mild mental retardation
Approximately 85% of the mentally retarded population is in the mildly retarded category. Their IQ score ranges from 50-75, and they can often acquire academic skills up to the 6th grade level. They can become fairly self-sufficient and in some cases live independently, with community and social support.
Moderate mental retardation
About 10% of the mentally retarded population is considered moderately retarded. Moderately retarded individuals have IQ scores ranging from 35-55. They can carry out work and self-care tasks with moderate supervision. They typically acquire communication skills in childhood and are able to live and function successfully within the community in a supervised environment such as a group home.
Severe mental retardation
About 3-4% of the mentally retarded population is severely retarded. Severely retarded individuals have IQ scores of 20-40. They may master very basic self-care skills and some communication skills. Many severely retarded individuals are able to live in a group home.
Profound mental retardation
Only 1-2% of the mentally retarded population is classified as profoundly retarded. Profoundly retarded individuals have IQ scores under 20-25. They may be able to develop basic self-care and communication skills with appropriate support and training. Their retardation is often caused by an accompanying neurological disorder. The profoundly retarded need a high level of structure and supervision.
The American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR) has developed another widely accepted diagnostic classification system for mental retardation. The AAMR classification system focuses on the capabilities of the retarded individual rather than on the limitations. The categories describe the level of support required. They are: intermittent support, limited support, extensive support, and pervasive support. To some extent, the AAMR classification mirrors the DSM-IV classification. Intermittent support, for example, is support needed only occasionally, perhaps during times of stress or crisis. It is the type of support typically required for most mildly retarded individuals. At the other end of the spectrum, pervasive support, or life-long, daily support for most adaptive areas, would be required for profoundly retarded individuals.
Causes and symptoms
Low IQ scores and limitations in adaptive skills are the hallmarks of mental retardation. Aggression, self-injury, and mood disorders are sometimes associated with the disability. The severity of the symptoms and the age at which they first appear depend on the cause. Children who are mentally retarded reach developmental milestones significantly later than expected, if at all. If retardation is caused by chromosomal or other genetic disorders, it is often apparent from infancy. If retardation is caused by childhood illnesses or injuries, learning and adaptive skills that were once easy may suddenly become difficult or impossible to master.
In about 35% of cases, the cause of mental retardation cannot be found. Biological and environmental factors that can cause mental retardation include:
About 5% of mental retardation is caused by hereditary factors. Mental retardation may be caused by an inherited abnormality of the genes, such as fragile X syndrome. Fragile X, a defect in the chromosome that determines sex, is the most common inherited cause of mental retardation. Single gene defects such as phenylketonuria (PKU) and other inborn errors of metabolism may also cause mental retardation if they are not found and treated early. An accident or mutation in genetic development may also cause retardation. Examples of such accidents are development of an extra chromosome 18 (trisomy 18) and Down syndrome. Down syndrome, also called mongolism or trisomy 21, is caused by an abnormality in the development of chromosome 21. It is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation.
Prenatal illnesses and issues
Fetal alcohol syndrome affects one in 600 children in the United States. It is caused by excessive alcohol intake in the first twelve weeks (trimester) of pregnancy. Some studies have shown that even moderate alcohol use during pregnancy may cause learning disabilities in children. Drug abuse and cigarette smoking during pregnancy have also been linked to mental retardation.
Maternal infections and illnesses such as glandular disorders, rubella, toxoplasmosis, and cytomegalovirus infection may cause mental retardation. When the mother has high blood pressure (hypertension) or blood poisoning (toxemia), the flow of oxygen to the fetus may be reduced, causing brain damage and mental retardation.
Birth defects that cause physical deformities of the head, brain, and central nervous system frequently cause mental retardation. Neural tube defect, for example, is a birth defect in which the neural tube that forms the spinal cord does not close completely. This defect may cause children to develop an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid on the brain (hydrocephalus). Hydrocephalus can cause learning impairment by putting pressure on the brain.
Childhood illnesses and injuries
Hyperthyroidism, whooping cough, chickenpox, measles, and Hib disease (a bacterial infection) may cause mental retardation if they are not treated adequately. An infection of the membrane covering the brain (meningitis) or an inflammation of the brain itself (encephalitis) cause swelling that in turn may cause brain damage and mental retardation. Traumatic brain injury caused by a blow or a violent shake to the head may also cause brain damage and mental retardation in children.
Environmental factors
Ignored or neglected infants who are not provided the mental and physical stimulation required for normal development may suffer irreversible learning impairments. Children who live in poverty and suffer from malnutrition, unhealthy living conditions, and improper or inadequate medical care are at a higher risk. Exposure to lead can also cause mental retardation. Many children have developed lead poisoning by eating the flaking lead-based paint often found in older buildings.
If mental retardation is suspected, a comprehensive physical examination and medical history should be done immediately to discover any organic cause of symptoms. Conditions such as hyperthyroidism and PKU are treatable. If these conditions are discovered early, the progression of retardation can be stopped and, in some cases, partially reversed. If a neurological cause such as brain injury is suspected, the child may be referred to a neurologist or neuropsychologist for testing.
A complete medical, family, social, and educational history is compiled from existing medical and school records (if applicable) and from interviews with parents. Children are given intelligence tests to measure their learning abilities and intellectual functioning. Such tests include the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, the Wechsler Intelligence Scales, the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, and the Kaufmann Assessment Battery for Children. For infants, the Bayley Scales of Infant Development may be used to assess motor, language, and problem-solving skills. Interviews with parents or other caregivers are used to assess the child's daily living, muscle control, communication, and social skills. The Woodcock-Johnson Scales of Independent Behavior and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (VABS) are frequently used to test these skills.

If you have trouble with any of the big words, ask an adult to help.  ;)


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Re: the mystery of violence in baltimore
« Reply #35 on: August 18, 2017, 10:22:55 AM »
will the mystery of violence in baltimore remain unsolved? or are you acknowledging that its because of niggers - but somehow blame white people?

The African American community seems to have a culture of not trusting the police. This probably dates back to the the days of segregation pre 1960s. When there was a crime communities would handle it themselves.
Even now in 2017 if a black teenager commits a crime nobody will turn them in for fear of being labeled a "snitch."
If a crime ridden neighborhood doesn't trust their own police department for whatever reason it's unlikely their neighborhood will ever improve
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Re: the mystery of violence in baltimore
« Reply #36 on: August 18, 2017, 10:28:20 AM »

yah calling the police will fix everything.,. NOT.  if the cops dont kill ya it still doesnt improve the MATERIAL CONDITIONS at work

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Re: the mystery of violence in baltimore
« Reply #37 on: August 18, 2017, 10:33:06 AM »
you cant say "niggers are violent because of culture/racism" and "violence doesnt come from large amount of niggers in the city"
pick one

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Re: the mystery of violence in baltimore
« Reply #38 on: August 18, 2017, 10:36:42 AM »
racism and capitalism create the material conditions that lead to crime and violence, it's all very easy to understand and very consistent, unless you're a racist kkkracker.  you guys seem to think crime causes poverty instead of the other way around

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Re: the mystery of violence in baltimore
« Reply #39 on: August 18, 2017, 10:38:29 AM »
yes. systemic racism increases the likelihood of black men being put in prison more frequently than white men.

lol Ben Shapiro

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Re: the mystery of violence in baltimore
« Reply #40 on: August 18, 2017, 10:38:50 AM »

yah calling the police will fix everything.,. NOT.  if the cops dont kill ya it still doesnt improve the MATERIAL CONDITIONS at work

The notion there are cops killing large numbers of black people every year is a fabrication and a myth.
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Re: the mystery of violence in baltimore
« Reply #41 on: August 18, 2017, 10:39:28 AM »
yes, it is vague in the context of "black men in jail cuz racism" "single moms cuz racism" "lower income cuz racism" "violence cuz racism". it does not explain anything at all, your ultimate joker - its as strong as me calling you a nigger, you dumb nigger

will the mystery of violence in baltimore remain unsolved? or are you acknowledging that its because of niggers - but somehow blame white people?

you're using the term "vague" interchangeably with "things that are too complicated for me to understand"

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Re: the mystery of violence in baltimore
« Reply #42 on: August 18, 2017, 10:47:01 AM »

yah calling the police will fix everything.,. NOT.  if the cops dont kill ya it still doesnt improve the MATERIAL CONDITIONS at work

The notion there are cops killing large numbers of black people every year is a fabrication and a myth.
yet they do frequently kill innocent people and it's not just that it happens, it's that killer cops go unpunished virtually every single time it happens because that's the nature of the racist system weve got in place. 

anyway theres no "mystery" of violence in baltimore.  there simply is not a working legal economy for the people there.  if the drug trade or whatever vanished there that would be nice but itd still fucking suck.  people might start organizing then, and the feds would rush to reintroduce narcotics so they coudl go back to locking people up

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Re: the mystery of violence in baltimore
« Reply #43 on: August 18, 2017, 10:48:12 AM »

The notion there are cops killing large numbers of black people every year is a fabrication and a myth.

police are definitely killing black people disproportional to any other race (black defense movements like black panthers and blm didn't come out of a vacuum). but more importantly black people are more likely to get convicted than a white person who both have same criminal charges.

i just read a story recently that a black person got exonerated of his crime with DNA testing but they decided to keep him in prison anyways... this was in some inbred hole like Missouri or something.

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Re: the mystery of violence in baltimore
« Reply #44 on: August 18, 2017, 10:48:35 AM »
racism and capitalism create the material conditions that lead to crime and violence, it's all very easy to understand and very consistent, unless you're a racist kkkracker.  you guys seem to think crime causes poverty instead of the other way around

so basically you AGREE with me that violence in baltimore is caused by LARGE AMOUNT OF NIGGERS?