Author Topic: How to Hate People - Demo Thread  (Read 10619 times)

Offline Cel

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Re: How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2019, 05:09:45 AM »
I do not think war2.usa has any chance to grow more than it already grown it just makes me sad that you would decide to split the already very small player base in two and drag in people from because you think people are unable to just be in one place and find another solution.

More people in one place = more interactions so yes more exposure to toxicity too.

Solutions that do not involve splitting the player base exist: like adding language filters by default and removable for people that like staring at shit.
Or having soft and adapted punishments like permanent squelches and serverwide squelches for multiple time offenders so that they only can talk to people that specifically unsquelched them.
there are a lot of soft solutions

You may notice that these solution do not always involve banning people or segmenting the player base, because when you have 50 players on average maybe you just cant afford it.

Even if I do not like player X and never will play with him someone that could not jump in my game might be happy he can play with X because maybe that person who is also a player I like to play with may like X enough to play games with him.

Overall it will helps that other person to stick around and come back to war2 and this could be a win win.

You do not get to talk/read or interact with X but you get to have a person to play with sometimes that you will happily interact with and that will stick around because he finds games and people to play with when you are not here.

So you see even though we may agree on a problem existing we can disagree on the solutions.
Just because people advocated a position that is slightly similar to yours does not mean they contradict themselves when they do not agree on your ways.

I am pretty sure this is the position of most of the people actually that if something is done to fix an existing problem concerning it has to be including the largest number possible of people from the existing community and has to be the least divisive possible.

Because at this point it may be better to have no changes at all than possibly destructive changes.

Your solution is in itself divisive and this is why it wont work but it is also why people are pissed because they know it is not going anywhere and in the mean time it is still doing damage, every-time they come to one of the two server and struggle to find games or players to play with you take a risk of loosing them...

And that also is valid for the new guys that you miss lead to think there is no better place for them to find people to play war2. And every time they log in, your server is empty. How long do you think they will keep coming back?
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 05:16:24 AM by Cel »

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Re: How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2019, 10:27:15 AM »
babyshark is good at hating people... mostly minorities and women.

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Re: How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2019, 05:07:23 PM »
BabyShark is trending on twitter today.  Hope it's for something good

Offline Cel

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Re: How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2019, 05:35:37 PM »
But they've already been coming back since September. Even if they don't...isn't that what you want anyway? Me exiled and not able to play W2 with anyone because I'm a horrible human being?

Never said any of that, what I want is everyone playing in one server and no I do not want people to go away from war2 quite the opposite in fact.
When people leave your server because they think war2 is dead and no one plays it, there is an opportunity cost for too.

No one said you had to be exiled or had to stop playing on, you decided that on your own if you were to come play on today id be happy to welcome you in my games.

As I mentioned earlier that war2.usa thing is a loose loose situation for everyone as a whole...

Also you still are not answering the questions, I did answer yours.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 05:37:56 PM by Cel »

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Re: How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2019, 07:42:20 PM »
I don't see why my video game habits or the video game habits of other users are of concern to you...I mean, why don't you hound everyone who plays other video League of Legends...and tell them how horrible they are?

I've actually SEEN people invite W2 players to play League of Legends!!!

WISH I SS'D IT. Maybe we could get them all exiled?

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Offline Cel

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Re: How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2019, 09:43:11 PM »
You are the only one exiling yourself, no one banned you from you are free to come and go.

You do not have to agree but failing to understand and avoiding so carefully the points I am making all the time is kinda sad and not very subtle.

Also you always getting offended as soon as someone disagrees or do not do things exactly the way you want them is getting very old.

Now I showed you multiple times that I understand your perspective I can see why you do what you are doing. Can you see things from another perspective than yours? Without getting offended? And maybe even accepting that maybe someone may have a point occasionally?

Is all you are doing so perfect and untouchable that there are absolutely no flaws to it at all?

Here is a video about how to get offended even better:

How To Get Offended - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 52 - YouTube
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 09:54:24 PM by Cel »

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Re: How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2019, 09:54:40 PM »
Babysharks paranoia is really showing again. Babyshark do you know what a self fulfilling prophecy is?

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Re: How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2019, 10:12:02 PM »
Yes. So sad. That I don't think people should give death threats to others and tell them they will come slit their throats at night while they scream after they slit all the "niggers" throats.

It's very very sad that I don't accept and embrace that kind of behavior or talk.

Maybe if more of us actually experienced getting our throats slit, we might realize how great it is!!

Also more of us should call people's employers who play on War2USA and try to get them fired. Also very sad that I don't approve of that. You have yet to make ONE comment about that criminal activity by your best criminal buddy. For some reason you're willing to completely ignore and avoid criminal behavior like that so you can get upset about someone wanting to play a video game without your approval.

I think it is fine if we go our separate ways, you and I. That doesn't mean I won't ever post on a video game forum that you don't own without your permission and approval. If the communists wanna ban me, they can do that anytime they want.

I think what's sad is that you sell out your so-called values that you claim loyalty to, you'll do anything, say anything, be anything to win the approval of your toxic peers.

The world needs men with backbones but they are in extremely short supply nowadays.

Having a backbone means you're willing to stand up for what you believe in even when you're the only one, even when you'll be criticized and hated.

I saw a glimpse of that in you when you were making your grand posts about how people should be all nice and things like that but you saw the example of how people started to treat me, and you quickly abandoned your principles.

Yes virtual world true true, yet again most online applications, games, game communities, sites,  irc chats, have terms of use.
Not all have the same level of control, but there is a reason they all have terms of use.

Terms of use is a way to build up a common ground for a community you will find in most case they do make sure that members have the best experience possible from the start by setting the minimal amount of limits that allow the most people to feel at home.

When you say you tolerate anything you are saying you don't care if your members do use your platform for expressing their racial hate and all of that crap.
What if a user uses your platform for child porn diffusion and abuse? What then so you tolerate that too? Humans are capable of being awesome beings but they also can behave very badly.

Not having terms of use is just making it super hard to build a community because it is damaging it at the same time. Think about it, every time a new user is going to look at what that one mentally retarded guy has to says in the general channel or even whispers him them there is a lot of chances that this guy will just assume we all are like this because we basically tolerate it.

This is about the fact that even if these retarded people represent less than 1% of the community, one of them that we tolerate does more damage than anything we do to help the community grow.

All I am saying is I don't care about single isolated cases here, I look at the big picture and honestly if we are to help grow and get more players we might as well start there.
You don't build a community around hate talks, anarchy and chaos.
You've got to give people something they want to be a part of and a place they want to settle in and where they feel at home.

The best way to do that is encouraging positive attitudes and exchanges, fair play, fun and making sure that interactions cannot be too damaging having terms of use gives a nice common ground that ensure that exchanges cannot be too destructive between players and for the community as a whole.

In short if you have "Welcome" written on your door step people might feel better about getting in and talking to you than if it is something like "death to all jews and niggas" simple as that.

This was the Cel I thought had some principles and some backbone. He was kinda cool.

Wonder what happened to him.

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Re: How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2019, 11:10:22 PM »
"I don't think people should give death threats to others" yes and? How is that making you different from us?
Good for you I must say and welcome to the club, I and the large majority of players on also are against it and also against child abusers and against racism, pretty sure most of us also are for world peace!

There is nothing unique or special in that position so explaining further how you came to a conclusion that world peace was better than a genocides has little to no value so lets cut it there.

Just because we can agree on these things and on the fact that there is a problem with toxicity does not mean we have to agree on the solutions.

Nuking the whole planet would be a very effective way to remove toxicity too right since every toxic people would be wiped out does that make it an smart solution?
Does it mean just because people disagree with the solution they are endorsing the problem?

It is funny that you would mention communism you really sound like one by having that very black and white picture vision where everyone that do not agree with your plan becomes part of the problem.

Banning people may solve the issue but it is not the only solution splitting the database is not either and as a matter of fact these may just be the worst solutions available to us.
I think we can have much better solutions that do not involve separating people or banning but who cares what others may think certainly not you.

Just because I have a clear solution in mind does not mean I disrespect everyone else and exclude them from my solution finding it ok to move forward on my own selfishly and impose my views to everyone else and aggressively  tag everyone that disagree with my views as being part of the problem.

Here I am stating again the same thing because you are completely depth to critique, arguing with you really feels like talking to wall.

Now you can disagree with my vision, I would understand that yet you refuse to acknowledge that your solution also comes with a price and may not be the only one.
What does that make you?
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 11:12:43 PM by Cel »

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Re: How to Hate People - Demo Thread
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2019, 01:26:53 AM »
Yes. So sad. That I don't think people should give death threats to others and tell them they will come slit their throats at night while they scream after they slit all the "niggers" throats.

Funny how you're running with what I told you van said to me like it's gospel without a screenshot of it, but when I tell you that you did something shitty to me on a public forum, you vehemently deny it and act like you never did it and that i'm just out to get you and I have to provide proof of every interaction we've ever had in the game for last 3 years or any evidence is not evidence which not even you yourself do. But because it's van whom you hate, your bias is showing. 

The world needs men with backbones but they are in extremely short supply nowadays.

Having a backbone means you're willing to stand up for what you believe in even when you're the only one, even when you'll be criticized and hated.

You choose to ignore them though unless they follow your agenda down to a perfect t, or better yet, slander them if your the one being stood up to by them.