Author Topic: anti-capitalism thread  (Read 520639 times)

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Re: anti-capitalism thread
« Reply #795 on: October 27, 2015, 06:50:25 PM »
sounds like some more troll posts that go over your head

in any case, not surprised you jump over point about how you contribute to suicide of soth considering you showed no remose and continued to be a pos to tman amoung many others and talk daily about how you want hundreds of thousands of americans to die

That's not true Swift, and it is cynical and heartless of you to use Soth's suicide to attack me, not to mention insulting to Soth to imply that he cared enough about me giving him shit along with the rest of the forum to kill himself over it. But you are the emotionally healthy, smart, and not mad person here, lol.
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i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: anti-capitalism thread
« Reply #796 on: October 27, 2015, 06:51:21 PM »
and talk daily about how you want hundreds of thousands of americans to die

Lol now Swift is mad about me and Jon making posts about how the middle and upper class needs to be murdered. Good shit.
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i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: anti-capitalism thread
« Reply #797 on: October 27, 2015, 07:58:37 PM »
why would i be, i'm a better person and have a better life than you.

The fact that you need to engage in this sort of public self-aggrandizement implies that you don't really believe this yourself, and perhaps that's what you're caremad about. Cheers.

that makes no sense. also, plenty of superior-types like myself are often confused for gloating merely for being ourselves... sometimes i forget that having an exceptional life isn't common place for you people and i talk about it as if it's no big deal

there is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. in other words, i'm here to help you guys become successful, by empowering you to actually do something useful with your lives from here on out. it's just another one of my great deeds.
a lack of class consciousness is no joke idiot

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Re: anti-capitalism thread
« Reply #798 on: October 27, 2015, 11:00:53 PM »
how do u know they suicided?

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Re: anti-capitalism thread
« Reply #799 on: October 28, 2015, 01:53:24 PM »
sounds like some more troll posts that go over your head

in any case, not surprised you jump over point about how you contribute to suicide of soth considering you showed no remose and continued to be a pos to tman amoung many others and talk daily about how you want hundreds of thousands of americans to die

That's not true Swift, and it is cynical and heartless of you to use Soth's suicide to attack me, not to mention insulting to Soth to imply that he cared enough about me giving him shit along with the rest of the forum to kill himself over it. But you are the emotionally healthy, smart, and not mad person here, lol.

Hey look, GN actually getting a serious post from me for once -

But oh god, I have to now... YOU just used the word heartless. That's just hypocritical as fuck.

It's known how you acted toward him prior. I definitely didn't say he killed himself over the shit you said, although I am saying it's possible you made the situation worse, or played a small CONTRIBUTING FACTOR towards his state of mind / emotional well-being prior to such. It's not like you could have known what he was going through, and i genuinely think that if you did you would have taken it easy on him, but the issue is that you never cleaned up your act afterwards. I go around acting like a clown, saying people blow at war2, their broke and have a fat mom, and i'm sure I've left a few bruises from time to time but for the most part people don't take me seriously, my insults are almost all completely untrue and people just pass me over as a clown/troll/moron/idiot. You however, you actively try to stab people and you're seriously ill intent about it.

Tman is just one example, but you were a total piece of shit to him. And I don't even like that guy, he tried to claim he had a program or whatever that proves I edited an ss and it was a total lie on his part. I'm sure half the people you harass with your shit don't care, like tk obviously you gave him shit and that guy just brushes everything off and doesn't seem to give a crap what anyone says.

P.S. He was suicidal, so of course the way you treated him most likely had an impact on him. The shit you say effects everyone to some degree, so how wouldn't it have effected someone in the mental state that he was in. That's not a question, as it's pretty obvious a suicidal person would take things someone else says even harder than someone in a more stable mental/emotional state.  So don't give me that shit about it's insulting to suggest he cared what you said to him
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Re: anti-capitalism thread
« Reply #800 on: October 28, 2015, 02:05:36 PM »
sounds like some more troll posts that go over your head

in any case, not surprised you jump over point about how you contribute to suicide of soth considering you showed no remose and continued to be a pos to tman amoung many others and talk daily about how you want hundreds of thousands of americans to die

That's not true Swift, and it is cynical and heartless of you to use Soth's suicide to attack me, not to mention insulting to Soth to imply that he cared enough about me giving him shit along with the rest of the forum to kill himself over it. But you are the emotionally healthy, smart, and not mad person here, lol.

Hey look, GN actually getting a serious post from me for once -

But oh god, I have to now... YOU just used the word heartless. That's just hypocritical as fuck.

It's known how you acted toward him prior. I definitely didn't say he killed himself over the shit you said, although I am saying it's possible you made the situation worse, or played a small CONTRIBUTING FACTOR towards his state of mind / emotional well-being prior to such. It's not like you could have known what he was going through, and i genuinely think that if you did you would have taken it easy on him, but the issue is that you never cleaned up your act afterwards. I go around acting like a clown, saying people blow at war2, their broke and have a fat mom, and i'm sure I've left a few bruises from time to time but for the most part people don't take me seriously, my insults are almost all completely untrue and people just pass me over as a clown/troll/moron/idiot. You however, you actively try to stab people and you're seriously ill intent about it.

Tman is just one example, but you were a total piece of shit to him. And I don't even like that guy, he tried to claim he had a program or whatever that proves I edited an ss and it was a total lie on his part. I'm sure half the people you harass with your shit don't care, like tk obviously you gave him shit and that guy just brushes everything off and doesn't seem to give a crap what anyone says.

P.S. He was suicidal, so of course the way you treated him most likely had an impact on him. The shit you say effects everyone to some degree, so how wouldn't it have effected someone in the mental state that he was in. That's not a question, as it's pretty obvious a suicidal person would take things someone else says even harder than someone in a more stable mental/emotional state.  So don't give me that shit about it's insulting to suggest he cared what you said to him

Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: anti-capitalism thread
« Reply #801 on: October 28, 2015, 03:21:14 PM »
The amoral proven liar and hacker who reduces his own girlfriend to a piece of meat to score points on internet strangers suddenly grows a conscience and is super outraged that I called someone a fag online ten years ago. And it's different when he does it because,
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: anti-capitalism thread
« Reply #802 on: October 28, 2015, 04:56:37 PM »
I knew you wouldn't be able to just settle with "lmfao," the truth is too unsettling to you for that.

p.s. that wasn't actually my girlfriend. the irony of derailing an anti-capitalism thread by coming in and having arguments over money, women, social/class status, etc seemed to have completely went over your head, and you took it as serious biz
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Re: anti-capitalism thread
« Reply #803 on: October 28, 2015, 05:00:15 PM »
I knew you wouldn't be able to just settle with "lmfao," the truth is too unsettling to you for that.

Yeah, you can tell I'm shaken up from the whole sentence I wrote in response to your long caremad rant.

p.s. that wasn't actually my girlfriend. the irony of derailing an anti-capitalism thread by coming in and having arguments over money, women, social/class status, etc seemed to have completely went over your head, and you took it as serious biz

"Lol, the paragraphs and paragraphs and paragraphs I wrote about how awesome and superficial and misogynist I am were all jokes! I really fooled you all!" What's next, your years of cheating at Warcraft II and crying about how you did it to be accepted was all an elaborate ruse to own us too?
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: anti-capitalism thread
« Reply #804 on: October 28, 2015, 05:09:52 PM »
your stupidity really shined when you began compiling quotes of me directly contradicting myself and my values post after post, despite that it's obvious I was doing so deliberately. followed by countless serious posts twisting gray areas in each of our arguments, yours of which were very serious, because you caremad'd so much.

did i use that word correctly, nerd?
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Re: anti-capitalism thread
« Reply #805 on: October 28, 2015, 05:11:14 PM »
your stupidity really shined when you began compiling quotes of me directly contradicting myself and my values post after post, despite that it's obvious I was doing so deliberately.

Lol yeah because you definitely don't have a history for being a dishonest liar and hypocrite, it was definitely "obvious" that just more of the same from you was actually 11 dimensional chess trolling.

yours of which were very serious, because you caremad'd so much.

did i use that word correctly, nerd?

No, because I wasn't caremad, you were, and you still are, as evidenced by your desperate attempts to write off your ridiculous attempts to own me and TK and others as ironic trolling, which fool nobody.
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: anti-capitalism thread
« Reply #806 on: October 28, 2015, 05:14:44 PM »
Like you're so fucking stupid that you don't realize that even if it was true that all that shit was ironic trolling on your part (it wasn't), you're still a complete fucking self-owned idiot to be so invested in "owning" people that you'd expend that much effort to do it.
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: anti-capitalism thread
« Reply #807 on: October 28, 2015, 05:28:42 PM »
i'm trying to use your approach, the "lol you mad bro?", despite the fact that it's ridiculous that you would interpret me to be anything other than amused by myself

get ready for a sweet run on sentence:

hassan-i-sabbotagh in an nutshell:

but it really comes all full circle here, because you see it's you who is mad and you're mad because unlike me, you have nothing going for you in your life aside from being moderately well-read on Marxist philosophy, which you only adopted as your personal socioeconomic ideology as a means to justify your lackadaisical work-ethic, and your free rider who gives back nothing to society approach, which is demonstrated by your volume browsing habits during your work schedule, in which on one of the forums you choose to particular that we know of (, where you then go use your ideology to belittle people and scare them away from the forums (and are only able to do so because they aren't as well-read on one particular subject as you) all under your false pretense of you pretending to care about humanity and not wanting people to be exploited by evil capitalists and by the nature of capitalism itself, which we all know is just a disguise  proven by your apathy towards the people on this forum and borderline sadistic desire to see millions die, as well as just make people feel like shit on here.

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Re: anti-capitalism thread
« Reply #808 on: October 28, 2015, 05:31:09 PM »
here, i'll throw you a bone since you're retarded - i don't believe anything i said in that previous post.

well, except for you being a sadistic fuck. that much is obvious. you and smeagol should be buddy buddy. i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated soth and turtleman

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Re: anti-capitalism thread
« Reply #809 on: October 28, 2015, 05:49:28 PM »
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