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Messages - dannyldd

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? where are pictures of this game and maps ?

<==== see my links

Hello, why would you need pictures ? The maps are attached in the patch from link to play this little mod.

Hello again guys, I come up with another mod called as Warcraft 2 Danny's  AI Fixes Edition (DAIFE) in OGRE-MODE. So what is this then ?

I have recently added up a new project called as Danny's AI Fixes Edition for single player in ... So this new little mod allows you to play that single player mode BUT... now in OGRE-MODE, which means the capability to play this mod with a FRIEND. Ogre-mode means both 2 players can get control of the same base, which means too buildings and units at once. This is a built-in feature available in Starcraft 1 since its release, so now thanks to Mistral we have managed to fuse both: DAIFE and one his wonderful tools: Ogre-mode for Warcraft 2 custom map projects.

Links for DAIFE single player are in:,6160.0.html  OR

War2 DAIFE single player allows you to experience the mythical warcraft 2 campaigns but WITHOUT bugs which were present in almost any of the 4 campaign missions because of the lack of testings back then in 1995. I have tweaked the ai scripts aiming to get ride of as many bugs as I could ever possibly find so now you may be capable to see the real difficulty intended by Blizzard Entertainment since the first Warcraft 2 version (DOS). The difficulty overall is gradually increasing through the campaign missions with stuff like units properly upgrading or correct timing attacks or unit compositions. All the previous now with a slight difficulty boost from my part, so this may be a cool challenge for casual level people.
Now, DAIFE is combined with the ogre-mode so both 2 people can get into the entire project to see how to achieve victory together.

*** Important new features added up to this mod ***

I have added up few personal features I have used during my warcraft 2 live broadcasts which are:

1) Warcraft 3 grunt / knight announcers for both orc and human races respectively which call either if you're under attack or your city is under fire. So those voice actors replace the ones from Warcraft 2 by default.

2) UI framework for either Orc and Human races, which is a nice art touch made by Incos - Player from Warcraft 2 USA community - who did a fantastic artistic job in this area. This is the panel that you can see during your single or multiplayer games from the left where you select your units. Credits to him to public such a nice enhanced feature for Warcraft 2.

Those 2 extra features plus this new little mod may not mean Warcraft 2 Remaster but at least a way to enhance Warcraft 2 :-)

*** Important new features added up to this mod ***


Instructions in how to play DAIFE + ogre mode:

Pretty much you just need to know that along with this README file, you just have to place the War2patch.mpq file into your warcraft 2 main directory. Then follow up the next instruction in order to allow yourself experiencing the fully potential this little mod has to offer:

***** IMPORTANT *****

Even though this little mod aims to get ride of as many bugs as I could possibly fix, there's a bug that comes from the very first Warcraft 2 release in 1995 (DOS version) which in my opinion is a problem to play through the warcraft 2 campaigns and it's another reason of the many that may have caused any of you to feel "too easy" the original warcraft 2 campaigns experience.
The bug (or bugs) that I'm talking about is the one from using save-load features in-game that allow you to reload a specific spot from a campaign mission that is used anytime you miss up anything into a mission or that may simply  help as a checkpoint for your missions progress... The problem is that in Warcraft 2, all timing attacks or enemies chopping wood get completely missed up once you reload a campaign mission progress from your saved data, either you do that from the same mission or from the main menu.
Pretty much, all the attacks being set up in code will just change drastically and not be executed as intended there but also AIs will just stop chopping wood completely which may cause as well that no more units requiring wood will ever be trained, so this may end up with passive enemies that may either not repair buildings or attack anymore till the end of that mission... What I'm telling you is that IF YOU WANT to play this little mod to its 100% POTENTIAL then it's imperative that you play the mod WITHOUT using save-load in-game feature in order to prevent this buggy behavior happening anytime... The very only times that may NOT happen this annoying situation is whenever you use SAVE for victory trigger (so you can load the end of that mission in order to keep playing the next ones) OR whenever you're playing a mission where your oponnent WILL NOT MAKE UNITS from buildings at all... Example: Orc01, Orc06, Human01 (Tides of Darkness), Xorc1, Xorc9 (Beyond the Dark portal) campaign missions.
Aside of the previous behavior, you should not encounter many bugs (as long as I tested around) so keep in mind this situation... The bugs explained above are NOT part of my mod but it's a problem that comes since the very first warcraft 2 release so if anybody can make a way more trustful SAVE-STATE for warcraft 2 (just like the old console emulators) so then would be no problem at all you use that tool for your mission progress checkpoints.

***** IMPORTANT *****

Once you have read to this point then let's get into the other steps required to play this mod.
Now both 2 players have to either download the russian client (not language) from (any language as you like) ... I'm not sure if there may be some register gateway file that allow your current Warcraft 2 client to have the russian server available... That would be way easier to set up the russian server without needing to install the version from , but the most important thing is that you need to have available the russian server gateway for the next step.

Once you installed, place your war2patch.mpq file into the directory >> go to the game >> multiplayer >> enhanced >> war2 russian server >> Once you're into the main chat, join the channel:  war2mod
In order to join that channel just type:  /join war2mod in main chat

Now one of the guys has to make the map (if you're starting up the mod then just go for the mission orc01 or human01)... In order to play the maps properly without getting dropped, both guys need to have the War2Patch.mpq into their warcraft 2 directory...

So why do we need to join war2mod channel in the russian server ?

There're currently some special tool/features made by Mistral, also known as some new and very smart Warcraft 2 developer (currently 2021) who have added up quite a couple of interesting and enhanced features for Warcraft 2. The idea about joining war2mod channel is that once you start playing this little mod is that you will be forced to start from mission 01, because if you attempt to start from like mission 06 you will then get instantaneous defeat, because this feature records a progress of your success from previous missions into a save file, as far as I know this record is saved up from 2 specific people who are playing the mod in the russian server and from the war2mod channel... which means if you're the guy who played orc missions 1-2-3 then your partner quits, then later on you may have to start from mission 1 if you decide to play with a new guy, but the previous mission progress record may still be saved up till the first couple plays once again.


So I'm actually releasing this to anybody who may want to try out this little mod and if possible, deliver me any feedback you got about it to my stream:   
or any thoughts you got about your experience through it.

If you could, I may really appreciate any money donation you can ever deliver for my livelihood to the paypal address with any of the links below:

If you'd like to make a donation during live streaming, please use the link:


Till today in Febrary 4th, 2021 I just can release Orc/Human  ogre-mode campaigns. Need to complete first the other 2 campaigns from the dark portal for DAIFE single player edition. The other 2 campaigns I hope to test them on live streaming as well (single player DAIFE mod).


Full credits to Mistral, the very nice guy and person who helped me to understand a couple of things and that HE IS the real genius who may have allowed to play campaign maps with triggers in MULTIPLAYER plus other special features like recording campaign progress in multiplayer (russian server), but also the way to play here in OGRE-MODE.


Okay guys Danny here. This is the CO-OP mode for Warcraft  Danny's Insane Edition. What is this then ?

Months ago earlier (around december 2020) I just released the last campaign for Warcraft 2 Danny's Insane Edition. This version is a very hard 4 campaigns little mod which aims to bring up the hardest Warcraft 2 campaigns experience to any veteran or expert in RTS games (including warcraft 2).
The mod is available here:,6011.0.html  OR

So now, this new mod allows you to play this single player mod in a cooperative mode with any other guy with, in theory, an easier difficulty. So if for any reason you can't find the mod in the russian warcraft 2 forum community ( then hopely you can find it in

I tried to set up a bit better overall economy for 2 players but since would take way too much time to test overall accurate difficulty then I think will leave this open for people (preferably experts) to either test or bring up feedback about this mod (and to know if there're AI bugs around still which may not bring up the hardest challenge).

Pretty much you just need to know that along with this README file, you just have to place the War2patch.mpq file into your warcraft 2 main directory. Then follow up the next instruction in order to allow yourself experiencing the fully potential this little mod has to offer:

***** IMPORTANT *****

Even though this little mod aims to get ride of as many bugs as I could possibly fix, there's a bug that comes from the very first Warcraft 2 release in 1995 (DOS version) which in my opinion is a problem to play through the warcraft 2 campaigns and it's another reason of the many that may have caused any of you to feel "too easy" the original warcraft 2 campaigns experience.
The bug (or bugs) that I'm talking about is the one from using save-load features in-game that allow you to reload a specific spot from a campaign mission that is used anytime you miss up anything into a mission or that may simply  help as a checkpoint for your missions progress... The problem is that in Warcraft 2, all timing attacks or enemies chopping wood get completely missed up once you reload a campaign mission progress from your saved data, either you do that from the same mission or from the main menu.
Pretty much, all the attacks being set up in code will just change drastically and not be executed as intended there but also AIs will just stop chopping wood completely which may cause as well that no more units requiring wood will ever be trained, so this may end up with passive enemies that may either not repair buildings or attack anymore till the end of that mission... What I'm telling you is that IF YOU WANT to play this little mod to its 100% POTENTIAL then it's imperative that you play the mod WITHOUT using save-load in-game feature in order to prevent this buggy behavior happening anytime... The very only times that may NOT happen this annoying situation is whenever you use SAVE for victory trigger (so you can load the end of that mission in order to keep playing the next ones) OR whenever you're playing a mission where your oponnent WILL NOT MAKE UNITS from buildings at all... Example: Orc01, Orc06, Human01 (Tides of Darkness), Xorc1, Xorc9 (Beyond the Dark portal) campaign missions.
Aside of the previous behavior, you should not encounter many bugs (as long as I tested around) so keep in mind this situation... The bugs explained above are NOT part of my mod but it's a problem that comes since the very first warcraft 2 release so if anybody can make a way more trustful SAVE-STATE for warcraft 2 (just like the old console emulators) so then would be no problem at all you use that tool for your mission progress checkpoints.

***** IMPORTANT *****

Once you have read to this point then let's get into the other steps required to play this mod.
Now both 2 players have to either download the russian client (not language) from (any language as you like) ... I'm not sure if there may be some register gateway file that allow your current Warcraft 2 client to have the russian server available... That would be way easier to set up the russian server without needing to install the version from , but the most important thing is that you need to have available the russian server gateway for the next step.

Once you installed, place your war2patch.mpq file into the directory >> go to the game >> multiplayer >> enhanced >> war2 russian server >> Once you're into the main chat, join the channel:  war2mod
In order to join that channel just type:  /join war2mod in main chat

Now one of the guys has to make the map (if you're starting up the mod then just go for the mission orc01 or human01)... In order to play the maps properly without getting dropped, both guys need to have the War2Patch.mpq into their warcraft 2 directory...

So why do we need to join war2mod channel in the russian server ?

There're currently some special tool/features made by Mistral, also known as some new and very smart Warcraft 2 developer (currently 2021) who have added up quite a couple of interesting and enhanced features for Warcraft 2. The idea about joining war2mod channel is that once you start playing this little mod is that you will be forced to start from mission 01, because if you attempt to start from like mission 06 you will then get instantaneous defeat, because this feature records a progress of your success from previous missions into a save file, as far as I know this record is saved up from 2 specific people who are playing the mod in the russian server and from the war2mod channel... which means if you're the guy who played orc missions 1-2-3 then your partner quits, then later on you may have to start from mission 1 if you decide to play with a new guy, but the previous mission progress record may still be saved up till the first couple plays once again.


So I'm actually releasing this to anybody who may want to try out this little mod with big challenges for 2 players and if possible, deliver me any feedback you got about it to my stream:   
or any thoughts you got about your experience through it.

If you could, I may really appreciate any money donation you can ever deliver for my livelihood to the paypal address with any of the links below:

If you'd like to make a donation during live streaming, please use the link:


Till today in Febrary 4th, 2021 I just can release Orc/Human insane CO-op campaigns because need to do further change or testings for the orc/human campaigns from the dark portal.

Link to Insane CO-OP mod:


Full credits to Mistral, the very nice guy and person who helped me to understand a couple of things and that HE IS the real genius who may have allowed to play campaign maps with triggers in MULTIPLAYER plus other special features like recording campaign progress in multiplayer (russian server), but also the way to play in OGRE-MODE and CO-OP like here as well.

This is a short request. Just recently and thanks to Mistral. We just managed to merge the very recent posted project known as Warcraft 2 Danny's AI FIxes Edition + Ogre mode.

Ogre mode allows any of you to play 2 players in 1 base, which means both can control either buildings or units like there's a mod like that in Starcraft 1.

DAIFE aims to bring up a brand fresh experience with the original maps modified a little bit to deliver a BUGless AI in all missions from all campaigns plus a slight difficulty boost, which in fact allows to experience the original Blizzard Entertainment difficulty with all upgrade, timing attack and unit compositions that were planned by then for all 4 campaigns...

So now that single player mod was fused with Ogre mode. Now I just want to make a public beta testings v1.0 with any of you guys, if ever interested to test the Orc campaign initially to see how triggers work overall... Please don't hesitate to answer me here or in twitch:

Full credits to Mistral who is the actual god and genius behind all of this to either allow campaign triggers in multiplayer for the ogre-mode, but also to allow the Ogre-mode itself.

Hello guys. I'd like to release to anybody the overall warcraft 2 community a new project called Danny's AI Fixes Edition (DAIFE)

If you would ever like to play a casual level but slightly harder difficulty warcraft 2 challenge then I make to any of you an invitation to test out my new little project. Any feedback you can deliver me through the stream is pretty welcome... All information needed is into the README file...

Description in twitch channel:

Warcraft Danny's AI Fixes Edition (DAIFE).
This little mod allows you to play the Warcraft 2 campaigns but beyond that, AIMS to fix just as many bugs as possibly had any of the missions keeping up the original maps as they were just as much as I could. Also, increasing slightly the original difficulty from those maps as well.
All of the above results in a harder but also the original difficulty experience intended by Blizzard Entertainment without mostly of the bugs that were present into the campaign maps since back then in 1995.

NOTE: Please take a look in the README file for any further information.
Public feedback is well appreciated.
Good luck & Have fun
Currently available the Orc campaign from Tides of darkness (Jan 30th, 2021).

** April 26th, now warcraft 2 Danny's AI Fixes Edition is fully completed with the Alliance campaign from beyond the dark portal. Feel free to give it a try ! Any feedback is welcome.


*** NEW UPDATE, June 06th 2021 ***

From now on, newer updates are uploaded here:

142 / Re: Human only players confuse me
« on: January 25, 2021, 03:06:39 PM »
I dont really understand why Human only players, never seem to get paladins, I know mages are more important to get first, but really a church should be made without much time lost into castle.

Now everyone thinks no point getting church cause heal is useless and well it pretty much is but

Holy vision is the best scouting tool in the game, it makes it so easy to even scout ogre movement to flank/dodge with knights, pre blizz paths etc

Also exoism seems to be so under used but yet its so powerful at clearing expos, stoping hasted dks etc

So why is it human only players never get a church?

It would be way more acceptable to use paladins if healing use 3 mana per 1 hit points.

Congratulations to you, Mistral and anybody else to encourage and continue this so amazing project. I wish I had people to play with me previously in the beta phase. I'd definetely bring up more feedback  with all the options added up...

As an aside project, could it be possible another project-channel to modify the game units re-balance without any extra unit-buildings ? This way  we could play around with the units re-balanced to see way new options to play the game without altering the main one (as many people apparently want) and keeping up the war2mod creative project available as well.

This sort of thing used to exist in StarCraft 2 for a couple of years (while still was supported) where you could play a specific custom map to test next balance changes, so the map could be available a couple of weeks before the next patch came out.

Just my opinion / suggestions !

144 / Re: idea for the most skilled impressive game
« on: January 12, 2021, 07:54:06 AM »
in my opinion the game is rather playable just in faster speed, not the fastest or more than faster (which is the highest level speed allowed by the game). The game has a ton of latency already in multiplayer but at least with faster speed allows you to micro units around, at least. It's just madness for me on how I see people playing in daily basis with the fastest speed.

145 / Re: Warcraft 2 Twitch integration plugin+program
« on: January 12, 2021, 01:58:04 AM »
I didnt have to make it public,  it's common knowledge for all twitch users :D  Havent you ever wondered how pro streamers could answer chats AND play an intense battle at the SAME time?  They arent reading those comments lol,  they are being read to them via an IRC text2speech bot :)  I like having the voice output to the stream also since the chat isnt in the video itself.  Similar to how a lot of streamers will add a chat box somewhere on their stream.  The result was that as I was playing,  people watching the stream would hear it also.  Thus prompting some idiots to spam the damn thing heh.  I never bothered to put any effort into looking for a good IRC spam moderation bot.

IRC is one of the features that sets Twitch apart from the rest of the crowd and has made it so popular.  I dont know of a single twitch steamer that actually uses the Twitch chat UI,  they all use mIRC (except for the anonymous users/watchers).  IDK,  maybe that trend has changed since?  But I doubt it.  When I was streaming,  all I would do is just open up mIRC and that was all I had to do.  I could then interact with twitch users from within War2 using Full screen without the need for a 2nd monitor and without taking up any screen realestate within war2 itself.

Here are the docs that show you how to connect to a twitch channel via IRC:  And if you dig around you can find videos on how to do it also.  Many of the pro streamers will have a link to such a video somewhere in their profiles.

Any kind of chat content moderation on twitch is going to be done via an IRC bot.  Including spam.  So there really shouldnt be any need to do any wheel re-invention for cleaning up spam on Twitch.  So now you have all the information you need.  Go forth and findeth a good chat spam bot and maybe I'll stream some more again lol.  I just have no interest in spending the time to do that myself.

I haven't wondered the first question you made because I haven't seen many streams in my life. Maybe like 10-15 over time but any others have been seen quite shortly. Either way I just have seen they use a second monitor to read comments while playing but never ever read something like you say about a text to speech bot. That's probably from your experience only. I just have one monitor though.

Also what's your stream ? Would like to see your stuff around, that may be nice.
But additionally, if you have this "text2speech" bot then wouldn't be an option too for you or anybody to answer via in-game as well ? I mean if you don't have a microphone to answer, this helps in that case as well. So if in your case you just hear the comments via bot, then Mistral could make a different version to just allow player answering-only via in-game to twitch people.

Another point is, nobody can understand english properly just like me so a bot like this wouldn't be the best solution, so the speech bot may only be useful to people have good or native english talking.. I definetely encourage solutions like this just to expand even further the possibilities you have around the game.

I really appreciate your shared information by the way.

146 / Re: Warcraft 2 Twitch integration plugin+program
« on: January 11, 2021, 03:42:04 PM »
What was this needed for anyway?  If you've ever seen any of my War2 streams from the past 6yrs,  you'd notice that they all have this functionality and thats without modifying anything in war2.  It's just a simple mIRC chat bot that will read msgs and play them back with a voice (txt2speech) and I would just reply to messages using voice.  This was all very easy since IRC is the engine that twitch uses.  I stopped doing it though because idiots like Tupac would just come in and spam the channel with absurd shit and the bot would just keep talking until I disabled it with the hotkey.  If you find a workaround for that other than rate limiting msgs from based on some rules,  I'd like to hear what it is.

Did you ever make public this functionality that you just mentioned ?

147 / Re: AI fix plugin
« on: January 11, 2021, 03:35:19 PM »
Ok some new update.

2 peons repair.
fixed some small bugs.
fixed unstuck mechanism of stucked units (i think it can help to fix 30% more of stucked units problems)
fixed runes spell cast for AI, now more smart and not laggy.

Fantastic job and work as always commander. I really encourage to see your new plugins recently made.

148 / Re: Warcraft 2 Twitch integration plugin+program
« on: January 10, 2021, 10:41:02 AM »
looks fine, I will try but It cant be problem if viewers will spam XD

also If i write message will go to twtich? what about emotes?

I have tested it, just works perfectly. Emotes won't be sent because of course War2 engine doesn't allow to draw twitch icons, but if you type the correct icon-name from Warcraft 2, then it will be displayed on twitch. It's rather cool if you don't have microphone to be used. Cheats appear on twitch as well. Not sure if this works for multiplayer though.

149 / Re: AI fix plugin
« on: January 10, 2021, 10:39:36 AM »
I don't understand, what's the problem if AI cannot build as a player ? That doesn't work as an argument that cannon towers are useless. The thing is making AI smarter and specially, a choice for content creator to choose if AI build cannon towers or not. The rule is 50scout-50cannons so what's the problem still ? You can either way set the amount of towers to be built, and if you dont want to build cannon towers, you can pre-place them so there won't be any further being built.

It's just working well in my opinion with the new plugin.

150 / Re: AI fix plugin
« on: January 10, 2021, 10:37:09 AM »
Hmm why canon bad? Player can build canon why AI not allowed?)

Hmm maybe 2 peons to rep can be better.

Ships patroling like griffons now so maybe sometimes can swim to player.

Sappers maybe can but i will think how fix this

About block themselves maybe can be. But in all tests nothing happened.

Mages now run to attak with main army (and sappers too) this allows to make AI put them in transport and go to your base. Before mages was usseles in water maps with attak. Only for defense maybe but cannot attak at all cause cannot get to your island to cast spells.

The reason why I suggested you 1 peon in the first place, is because from Starcraft you can see only 1 Terran SCV (worker) to just repair a building. As the AI, you don't need more to repair because if you're attacking that building then you most probably can destroy if, if not more enemies come after you. With 2 you're just delaying oponnent's economy, which means more workers to be built from script. Also, it's not being considered the fact if there's only one farm from the other extreme of map then AI will be wasting 2 workers to be sent there only to repair (if ever can).

1 is perfect as it is, in my opinion.

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