Author Topic: Taste of my work!  (Read 31641 times)

Offline EviL~Ryu

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Re: Taste of my work!
« Reply #75 on: June 25, 2015, 04:42:18 PM »

people actually still making new hacks for war2.  :o  just block the old ones that take the majority out.

Yes, that's what EQ does in his basement all day, code new hacks for war2...could explain his hatred [emoji10]

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Re: Taste of my work!
« Reply #76 on: June 25, 2015, 04:49:39 PM »
Actually i prefer way much more the project of tupac, he give details he show video of how it work and we can see he work on it for real, iL just put a little box for when i start war2, it mean totally nothing for me.

But sincerly, 2 useless tool since admins gonna be the ones gonna see who get caught...

If lightbringer get caught in a week they just can shut their mouth and told nothing, proof nothing to me.

EQ you are seriously confused.  IDK if it's the language barrier or what, but it's clear that iL's solution is an announcement style.  That is,  the server announces when it finds someone hacking.  For example,  if you ever saw my server, you would know that certain commands could send messages to anyone in the current game OR it could send to the entire server just like an admin's announcement.  One such command was the observer command.  If you typed /obs,  it announced to everyone in the game that you just marked yourself as an observer.  If you then entered the game and built more than 5 units,  it would announce to all the players that you are building (giving them the option to kill you off, etc).  It would also temporarily ban you from the server for 30 mins.  These types of in-game announcements are what iL is currently working on when he says "working on the server side".  He also means other things to, but to EQ, thats all you need to know,  that you WILL be notified of when people are hacking.  So there wont be any hiding, even for admins.  I trust iL enough to not put in filters for certain players either.
Dk At hall is cause I started with temple at start and didn't need the castle . Not a hack .  I wouldn't bother editing a ss btw

^---- Dellam doesnt hack!  See, even by his own admission, no hack!!  LMFAO.

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Re: Taste of my work!
« Reply #77 on: June 25, 2015, 05:09:51 PM »
Actually i prefer way much more the project of tupac, he give details he show video of how it work and we can see he work on it for real, iL just put a little box for when i start war2, it mean totally nothing for me.

But sincerly, 2 useless tool since admins gonna be the ones gonna see who get caught...

If lightbringer get caught in a week they just can shut their mouth and told nothing, proof nothing to me.

EQ you are seriously confused.  IDK if it's the language barrier or what, but it's clear that iL's solution is an announcement style.  That is,  the server announces when it finds someone hacking.  For example,  if you ever saw my server, you would know that certain commands could send messages to anyone in the current game OR it could send to the entire server just like an admin's announcement.  One such command was the observer command.  If you typed /obs,  it announced to everyone in the game that you just marked yourself as an observer.  If you then entered the game and built more than 5 units,  it would announce to all the players that you are building (giving them the option to kill you off, etc).  It would also temporarily ban you from the server for 30 mins.  These types of in-game announcements are what iL is currently working on when he says "working on the server side".  He also means other things to, but to EQ, thats all you need to know,  that you WILL be notified of when people are hacking.  So there wont be any hiding, even for admins.  I trust iL enough to not put in filters for certain players either.

If im not connected im not gonna see someone get caught, did all these reports gonna be automaticly updates everyday on a website or something?
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Re: Taste of my work!
« Reply #78 on: June 25, 2015, 05:16:35 PM »
Well my anti hack will display info about a game on a website. So in game it would be like Tupac map hacked dropped him and sent report. You can stop there or go see more info about the game from a webpage. But you should not really care because once anti hack is fully built it would auto lock accounts and hardware ban.

We also have to remeber the points of banning need to be effective or anti hack is worthless.

Edit: if your not connect to the anti hack it would not allow you to join the server.

So to play war2 when I'm done you would need to load the anti hack before you try to connect. Kinda like lances idea, you are banned until you prove your legit. In this cause anti hack would get u unban Ned if running if not running you are banned. It's that simple.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2015, 05:18:23 PM by tupac »

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Re: Taste of my work!
« Reply #79 on: June 25, 2015, 05:17:56 PM »
Well my anti hack will display info about a game on a website. So in game it would be like Tupac map hacked dropped him and sent report. You can stop there or go see more info about the game from a webpage. But you should not really care because once anti hack is fully built it would auto lock accounts and hardware ban.

We also have to remeber the points of banning need to be effective or anti hack is worthless.

dude all of this it's exactly to cares about who get caught, we dont cares they get auto kcik and autot lock, i mean if you can add that it's good, but from start, we just want to have a regular massive updates on who get caught and thats it, magic!



No hide no lie!

mUCHO graciaz comprende amigo.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2015, 05:23:48 PM by Equinox »
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Re: Taste of my work!
« Reply #80 on: June 25, 2015, 09:09:17 PM »
Well my anti hack will display info about a game on a website. So in game it would be like Tupac map hacked dropped him and sent report. You can stop there or go see more info about the game from a webpage. But you should not really care because once anti hack is fully built it would auto lock accounts and hardware ban.

We also have to remeber the points of banning need to be effective or anti hack is worthless.

dude all of this it's exactly to cares about who get caught, we dont cares they get auto kcik and autot lock, i mean if you can add that it's good, but from start, we just want to have a regular massive updates on who get caught and thats it, magic!



No hide no lie!

mUCHO graciaz comprende amigo.

Read what I underlined EQ and delete your lost post. I said it will notify you that this player hacked... if you want more info you can view a game report from the anti cheat online at a webpage okay?!......

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Re: Taste of my work!
« Reply #81 on: June 25, 2015, 11:58:27 PM »
There EQ now you can see their names....
« Last Edit: June 29, 2015, 03:37:37 PM by tupac »

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Re: Taste of my work!
« Reply #82 on: June 26, 2015, 03:57:30 AM »
That's sweet tupac. Have you been working on this with iL or is it a completely separate project? Will the two be merged eventually d'you think?
I'd say tupac's main part now is hack detection. Many different ways to find any possible hacks.
My part is communication with server. Of course i check several values, but my main task now is to handle connection between server and client, to inform other players about hacker, to inform about lost connection between antihack and server, etc. Not so easy task also.

I can easily update my hack detection part to tupac's values and algorythms, so yes, i could say we are making different parts of 1 big project.
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Re: Taste of my work!
« Reply #83 on: June 29, 2015, 03:45:43 PM »
Okay been working hard on my project. I have 2 mothods to catch host hack. I'm still reversing the current hacks and adding detection for those almost complete. The report generated and sent to the server is detailed. Name, map, players, ips, size, etc.

I'm working on another part to detect private hacks and i plan on blocking access to debugging tools/memory tools.

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Re: Taste of my work!
« Reply #84 on: August 27, 2016, 10:55:20 PM »
Loser , follow through on something for once

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Re: Taste of my work!
« Reply #85 on: August 28, 2016, 09:50:58 AM »
You fucking idiot bumping an old post. Btw it's complete in a hidden section you are not allowd to see. Enjoy loser!

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Re: Taste of my work!
« Reply #86 on: August 28, 2016, 02:12:35 PM »

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Offline EviL~Ryu

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Re: Taste of my work!
« Reply #87 on: August 28, 2016, 02:32:35 PM »

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Lol your one those hashtag people. [emoji23]

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Re: Taste of my work!
« Reply #88 on: August 28, 2016, 02:54:50 PM »

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Lol your one those hashtag people. [emoji23]

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