Author Topic: The Superiority of Islam  (Read 22453 times)

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2018, 03:51:40 AM »
i believe in book burners.. they are real.. true root takers... lol or fakers...
New Ideaology - "Most likely the product of suppressing nostalgia from oneself
to retaliate transgression from egocentric agendas." © WooT. 2017

i can be a bit oxymoron at times help me with english.. i am a hs drop out and and english is not my first language so gyeh..

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2018, 03:57:48 AM »
they are the old day's identity thief... now a days its more technology thieves so cyberwar world war 3...
New Ideaology - "Most likely the product of suppressing nostalgia from oneself
to retaliate transgression from egocentric agendas." © WooT. 2017

i can be a bit oxymoron at times help me with english.. i am a hs drop out and and english is not my first language so gyeh..

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #33 on: May 16, 2018, 09:24:19 AM »

usa is a dump

Offline 3bdushakur

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #34 on: May 19, 2018, 01:44:40 AM »

I don't understand why you, or people like you insist on persisting in dissemenation of nonsensical, Pseudo-Crusader rhetoric. This is the result of lacking certain knowledge about Islam and your own religion, arrogance, and other wayward desires. You lack arguments, and you know this as well as I do. Let's take a look at the vomit you have spewed all over this thread and see what sort of junk you have inside of you.

About the website you used as...a response or refutation[?]:
Quote is a non-profit Internet service dedicated to issues of culture, life, and family. It was launched in September 1997. LifeSiteNews Daily News reports and information pages are used by numerous organizations and publications, educators, professionals and political, religious and life and family organization leaders and grassroots people across North America and internationally. Daily News reports are widely circulated reports on important developments in the United States, Canada and around the world. Their purpose is to provide balance and more accurate coverage on culture, life and family matters than is usually given by other media. Available by free daily email subscription and on

Their Principles:
1. Accuracy (We'll analyze the falsehood of this self-proclaimed principle - 3bdushakur) in content is given high priority. News and information tips from readers are encouraged and validated. Valid corrections are always welcome. Writing and research is of a professional calibre (This is absolutely false based on the link you decided to share -3bdushakur).

2. emphasizes the social worth of traditional Judeo-Christian principles (this invalidates the above as this site offers a clear biased perception based on adopted beliefs - 3bdushakur) but is also respectful of all authentic religions and cultures that esteem life, family and universal norms of morality (This is yet another pandering lie. It is impossible to respect any other religion once you have adopted a belief system simply because it would contradict it and respect entails that you agree the correctness of said "other religion", which, from the link provided, is clear as it is based on falsehood and deliberate misrepresentation in order to pass of the Judeo-Christian agenda which is totally at odds with Islam - 3bdushakur).

3.’s writers and its founders, have come to understand that respect for life and family are endangered by an international conflict. That conflict is between radically opposed views of the worth and dignity of every human life and of family life and community. It has been caused by secularists attempting to eliminate Christian morality and natural law principles which are seen as the primary obstacles to implementing their new world order. (and this validate my previous statement. The website is biased and has a pro Judeo-Christian agenda, which is going to be based on deceit and false reporting. - 3bdushakur)

4. understands that abortion, euthanasia, cloning, homosexuality and all other moral, life and family issues are all interconnected in an international conflict affecting all nations, even at the most local levels. LifeSiteNews attempts to provide its readers with the big picture and the most useful and up-to-date information on this conflict.

5. attempts to dispel confusion and ignorance (This is a lie - 3bdushakur), enable constructive dialogue (Another lie - 3bdushakur) and help informed decisions to be made and appropriate actions to be taken for the good of all. (More lies -3bdushakur)

Who produces the website for this controlled and deliberately orchestrated content?
The service was originally started by Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), a Canadian national pro-life organization headquartered in Toronto, Canada. Campaign Life Coalition, founded in 1978, was one of the first pro-life organizations to emphasize the international dimension of attacks on life and family. Along with a few other groups it pioneered pro-life lobbying at United Nations conferences. CLC president, Jim Hughes, is currently also vice-president of the International Right to Life Federation.

(The ultimate goal is fairly noble from a religious perspective, on issues that even a Muslim cannot disagree on, except from our perspective. And this is the contention, that regardless of their aim, they are motivated by a set of beliefs that are not general, they are based on the Judeo-Christian outlook. - 3bdushakur)

CLC’s international dimension spurred the development of LifeSiteNews as an international news service. U.S. and Canada are now separate incorporated non-profit organizations, are not involved in direct political action and do not support or oppose political candidates or parties. LifeSiteNews is strictly a news and information service.

The 1997 founding staff of LifeSiteNews are current Managing Director Steve Jalsevac and Editor-in-Chief John-Henry Westen. LifeSiteNews management and staff writers/researchers are located in various cities in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Italy, Australia, New Zealand and France. Three translators also assist with our Spanish version of LifeSiteNews.

US citizens have become our largest readership. Canadians are next, followed by smaller numbers of readers in many of the nations of the world. networks regularly with leaders and other organizations around the world.


Now, with the above established, let us look at the article shared with us by @BabyShark with the picture she thought was going to leave even a blemish on what I have already established as proof to the Superiority of Islam.

One thing of importance to note is that this article is not based on fact but, on the opinion of William Kilpatrick (Whoever he is).

He starts by saying:
A commonplace idea has emerged among media and political elites that criticism of Islam or even of radical Islam will only serve to drive moderate Muslims into the radical camp.

First of all, how is one moderate and then radical? This cannot be. A person is either moderate in his/her life or they are a radical. As for the Muslim, if this is the case, then they have contradicted the veres wherein Allah says:
Say (O Muhammad): "O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Exceed not the limits in your religion (by believing in something) other than the truth, and do not follow the vain desires of people who went astray in times gone by, and who misled many, and strayed (themselves) from the Right Path." [5:77]

This verse from the general perspective includes the Muslims, as they are also People of the Scripture. And for the Muslim, to go to extremes, is believing in something other than the truth.

As for the statement of Allah:
The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal. Repel (the evil) with one which is better (i.e. Allah ordered the faithful believers to be patient at the time of anger, and to excuse those who treat them badly), then verily! he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend. [41:34]

The opinionater continues:
That argument should be questioned because it can just as easily be that lack of criticism has led to the rebirth of militant Islam. Far from being critical of Islam, Western governments, media, academia, and even churches have bent over backward to claim that all the atrocities committed in the name of Islam have nothing to do with Islam. Indeed, the Western media have adopted a rigid system of self-censorship that keeps them from admitting that these atrocities are in fact committed in the name of Islam.

That these atrocities and crimes are committed in the name of Islam by criminals, does not necessitate that Islam supports criminal behavior. But of course, like the deceptive tactics of those who seek to defame the truth by spreading opinionated, illinformed and biased rhetoric. The snake fails in the fact that they, out of pride, have fallen due to lack of knowledge. Pride and arrogance are rotting foundations and only appeal to the unjust and insincere.

"MIlitant Islam" makes no sense from an Islamic perspective as militancy (unlike Christian Militias all over the States), is not something that the Muslims can indulge in as there is no legitimate state and Ameer (leader) to establish a military. Within the fold of Islam, these rogue groups and radical extremists are known as Khawaarij. Their affair is known to the Muslims worldwide. The West in general has NOT bent over backwards for Islam, and it never will due to the conflicts of interest and beliefs and morals (except in the case where the West is attempting to win the hearts of the weak and ignorant (in the same manner as cult leaders do their victims).

Simply because a crime is committed in the name of Islam, or any other belief, does not mean that the belief supports the criminal (often, the belief they attribute their crime to often serves as proof against the criminals). To overlook this common sense, is enough to say that the writer of this baseless opinion should be rejected until he returns with clear proofs for his generalities (based on watching too much television and reading too many news papers and articles deliberately dissimenated by the Enemies of Islam).

The opinionater continues:
The latest example is the reporting on the assassination of a Russian ambassador by a Turkish policeman. Almost the first words out of the assassin's mouth after the shooting were: "We are those who have given a pledge of allegiance to Muhammad that we will carry on jihad." If you don't remember him saying that, it's because that part of the statement was omitted from almost all news and television reports. Apparently, our betters in the media were afraid that if we were aware of the man's devotion to Muhammad, we might say something provocative that would turn untold numbers of peaceful Muslims into bomb-throwing jihadists.

So we are to believe a story with absolutely no proof based on the statement, "that part of the statement was ommitted from almost all news and television reports"? How can a statement with no citation, no source be used as proof to justify an opinion of an unknown?

Allah says about the likes of such an evil person:
O you who believe! If a rebellious evil person comes to you with a news, verify it, lest you harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful to what you have done. [49:6]

And without a dout, this unknown writers opinion is a mere story which he alone seems to have salvaged from a news media without name that apparently appears nowhere else..."Almost"? What are the sources then, that reported this alleged story? Who is this Turkish police man and Russian ambassador? What are their names? What validates the supposed statement of the Turkish officer (assuming, unlikely, that this is a true report)?

What, from the religion, that is authentic and based on the text, can the writer profuce to validate this supposed statement?

If the story were true, then the only explanation is that the man is a Jaahil (Ignoramus) Khariji...and this would have become apparent to the People of Certain Knowledge of Islam. Not to the people of opinions and desires, such as the writer and those who disseminate their unwarranted rhetoric without due verification.

The Muslims, for the most part, are already aware of the criminals and wolves that sneak around wearing the cloak of Islam, and those who harbor and hide it from the people eventually become exposed by their actions or statements. It is the outsider looking in, who is illiterate [of the Arabic language], lacking perspective, insight and knowledge, who wander around in darkness, blind, groping at anything like sexual predators, violating the rights of those who, out of their desires in ignorance, become victims, unjustly.

This bankrupt and unknwon individual continues:
Perhaps the prime example of the wages of silence is the current crisis in Europe. Islamic terrorists have declared war on Europe and the result has been a series of deadly attacks – at airports, subways, cafés, concert halls, and, most recently, Christmas markets. All this mayhem is the indirect result of ignorance about Islam – an ignorance that, in turn, is the result of an almost complete blackout of news unfavorable to Islam.

Islamic terrorists is a deceitful oxymoron. This term implies that which the religion itself negates: Criminal behavior, and vigilantism. There is no legitimate Islamic state to declare war on anyone, much less legislation in the religion to support criminal behavior.

The Messenger of Allah (may the peace and blessings of Allah descend upon him) said:
Narrated Jabir bin `Abdullah: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "War is deceit." [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree 3030]

Narrated AbuMusa al-Ash'ari: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: Before the Last Hour there will be commotions like pieces of a dark night in which a man will be a believer in the morning and an infidel in the evening, or a believer in the evening and infidel in the morning. He who sits during them will be better than he who gets up and he who walks during them is better than he who runs. So break your bows, cut your bowstrings and strike your swords on stones. If people then come in to one of you, let him be like the better of Adam's two sons. [Sunan Abi Dawud 4259]

As for the statement "Be like the better of Adam's two sons" it refers to the statement of Allah:
And (O Muhammad) recite to them (the Jews) the story of the two sons of Adam [Habil (Abel) and Qabil (Cain)] in truth; when each offered a sacrifice (to Allah), it was accepted from the one but not from the other. The latter said to the former: "I will surely kill you." The former said: "Verily, Allah accepts only from those who are Al-Muttaqun (the pious). If you do stretch your hand against me to kill me, I shall never stretch my hand against you to kill you, for I fear Allah; the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns, and all that exists)." [5:27/28]

This mayhem is certainly due to ignorance of Islam, from both the disbeliever and the criminal Muslim or one who attributes his crime to Islam. These two groups of ignoramuses are devoid of sound and certain knowledge. Rather they both interpret the religion from their whims and desires, as can be seen in both instances.

The bankrupt opinionater continues on:
Anyone with a thorough understanding of Islamic culture and religion could have predicted that, even without the 2015-16 flood of Muslim migrants, the steady flow of Muslim immigrants over the years would create a combustible situation. The amazing thing is that the consequences of this massive migration were never discussed – except in glowing terms. Just about the only thing allowed to be said about the migrants was that they would solve labor shortages, refill welfare coffers, and bring cultural enrichment to Europe.

The first statement, regarding those of Islamic knowledge (The Scholars of this religion) have explained this and have ruled that migrating (Hijra) to the lands of the disbelievers is prohibited for the Muslim. As stated by Shaykh al-Albaani:
perhaps from that which is best is to explain what has come in the Sunnah from the authentic hadeeths which warn the Muslim from taking the lands of disbelief as a homeland. There is in the science of Fiqh and Usool a Qiyaas called Al-Qiyaas Al-Awlawee. If the people of the land born and hereditarily (from there) when they embrace Islaam it is incumbent upon them to make hijrah to the lands of Islaam then more so the one who is on the opposite of that, being born in the lands of Islaam and raised and brought up, it is not permissible for him to travel, and I don’t say make hijrah, to the lands of disbelief. This is even more so.

The great scholars agree and were aware long before the disbelievers, of the detrimental effect of migrating to non-Muslim lands. This idea of multiculturalism is a plot of the disbelievers themselves, in particular the Liberals and Jews, in order to destabalize societies they see as their enemies (all the goyim). This is a deliberate and systematic attack, that wreaks havoc upon societies, by intermingling conflicting ideas and beliefs and cultures. And the disbelievers and would-be Crusaders only help to fuel the flames by instigating the intellectually impoverished, the ignorant immigrant into a state of fight or flight. So all these tribulations come from the evils of the disbelievers and their proponents.

This is sufficient to refute the rest of the article. The rest is meanderings of an unknown ignoramus who spreads his opinion, which is clearly infused with exaggerations and falsehoods.

As his closing statement suggests:
Ordinarily, we refrain from criticizing other religions. Such a live-and-let-live approach is generally sensible, but when the other religion takes the attitude that you must either convert, submit, or die, then live-and-let-live is no longer an option. That is the position that we are in with regard to Islam. And it is suicidal to pretend that things are otherwise.

There is no resovle then, and the mayhem is exasperated by the ignorant, such as the writer and those who follow blindly with no knowledge. The emotions of the wayward disbeliever is manipulated by glittering generalities and deceptive words in order to spread havoc and chaos, and to instigate an otherwise ignorant populace to react to the wave of opposing ignorance (of the disbeliever; the otherside of this worthless coin). Those with correct understanding, and certain knowledge, watch from a distance, bewildered at the sheer stupidity of both camps, and we ask Allah to guide those from among the Muslims out of the darkness of their ignorance, to the light of knowledge, and we ask Allah to guide those from among the opponents, who are sincere in their search for truth, to the fold of Islam as He, the Most High, has done for centuries.

As for those who oppose Islam and Allah, with obstinance, and lies and deceit and all sorts of evil, then we ask Allah, in this blessed month of Ramadhaan to humiliate them in this life and in the next, and for the persistent rebel, the obstinate disbeliever and liar, their recompense is the fire of Hell, a well deserved resting place.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 02:45:13 AM by 3bdushakur »

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #35 on: May 19, 2018, 01:50:16 AM »

As for the website that harbors falsehood, as I stated, then they are liars, biased and allow anyone with an unverified opinion to sow discord and divide, in the same fashion as the criminals who claim to commit atrocities in the name of Islam. These are intellectual terrorists.

The website allows individuals to write false and incendiary rhetoric, knowing full well, that there will be among the ignorant masses, and extremists reading it, fanning the flames that burn within their ignorance.

This leads to havoc and chaos, and ultimately violent clashes and violent acts, and it is the fault of the instigating disbeliever, for knowing better but seeking to spread chaos in order to create a scenario for themselves to be heralded as heroes of humanity (as per the conflicting goal outlined in the sites principles).

Their mask is see-thru, they cannot hide from those who believe in Allah and the Last Day. They only attract their like, deceitful snakes, who slither among the populace, spreading lies, which is a true sign of such individuals.

And this is not surprising from the People who claim to adhere to the Scripture in these times.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 02:49:19 AM by 3bdushakur »