Author Topic: Rit alin is a fucking theif  (Read 22587 times)

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #60 on: July 26, 2021, 07:15:16 PM »
Regardless of how you feel about Burnt ... he made that facebook page. He spent money advertising it. Probably close to $500.. if not more. He got all of the old school war2 players there. He invited the new ones. He added nearly all of the content.

It has value. He put value into it. Taking ownership without permission from the owner/creator is called stealing. That facebook group does not belong to you. It never did. Give it back to Burnt.
Well, I don't know who is the owner (primary owner) of the page, but what I have to say:

Burnt doesn't want to act together with other admins, he opposes himself to others. He also uses his onwership for issue ultimatums against others. As happened with youtube channel belongs to him.

I'm very happy we have official site/server/discord resources, the main advantage is these resources are being managed by serveral different people who respect each other and that guarantees some stability from someone's emotional impulse.

The problem with resources (like FB group/page, youtube channel) belongs to Burnt, we can't consider them a part of our project, we can't invest our forces into these resources, as we can loose them any moment if Burnt decides us unworthy to remove our partnership for some strange reasons.

About ethic side: I think the question is not about the owner, but about people who spent their resources/time to promote/advertise the page.
If you created the page some years ago and then do nothing with it, and other people used to make it popular, you don't have moral right to consider it your own page.
I'm not about Burnt now, I don't mean he didn't pay attention to that page, I just don't know, it's common example.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2021, 07:20:59 PM by iL »
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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #61 on: July 26, 2021, 07:21:09 PM »
IL you let your forum admins mute me and tell me to catch covid. Why the fuck would I support you with my resources.

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #62 on: July 26, 2021, 07:23:09 PM »
IL you let your forum admins mute me and tell me to catch covid. Why the fuck would I support you with my resources.

I think it's about supporting the community not "IL."
The fact you see IL as the "owner" of war2 server RU and this forum shows your own personality and speaks volumes to your contributions over the years.
You didn't do any of your contributions for the community you did it for yourself and your own ego.
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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #63 on: July 26, 2021, 07:24:49 PM »
Il is the owner of the server wtf ? And the forum lol

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #64 on: July 26, 2021, 07:27:45 PM »
Il is the owner of the server wtf ? And the forum lol

IL would disagree as would the rest of the community. I don't know why that's such a hard thing to comprehend.
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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #65 on: July 26, 2021, 07:34:19 PM »
They can disagree all they want.. but as soon as iL decides he's done with it there's nothing anyone can do about it except try to pay him for the rights to a dead community, or go to USA or GOG.. which are also dead.

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #66 on: July 26, 2021, 07:38:16 PM »
IL you let your forum admins mute me and tell me to catch covid. Why the fuck would I support you with my resources.
I don't think muting you and telling to catch covid was correct. But why not just let them unban and apologize?

When you provide some place to post war2-related videos or some social media, that service should be provided on the declared puprose.
Of course it's your decision how to provide YOUR place, but I'd prefer to not use the place that can disappear with all my content.
I'd say I can accept the risk if you ban me from your social for some reason, but not the risk that social can just disappear.
Though I'd prefer to use the place being managed by sereval people, not the only one person who decides everything.
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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #67 on: July 26, 2021, 08:27:51 PM »
Il is the owner of the server wtf ? And the forum lol
Yes, technically I am.
But I never considered the server/forum my own thing.
Server is nothing without community, that's why I think it's OUR server/forum, not mine.
I can guarantee I will never disable/power off the server to achieve some personal goals or whetever.
I'd say that's reasonable behavior for public resource.

Also, I think would be a good practice: when you share some resource for community, you declare: it's for community.
That means you shouldn't just remove any content or the whole resource when you wish. And you should appoint some more admins if community asks you.
That will reduce your personal rights on the recourse, but make others sure their efforts will not just disappear.

Or you should declare: it's your personal page/group, etc.

Unfortunately Burnt's youtube/FB groups/pages have not been declared as personal, many people spent much time promoting/filling them, implicitly considering it's public, and one day shit happened suddenly, when Burnt decided to remove it...
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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #68 on: July 26, 2021, 08:56:06 PM »
All 5 years that I have been on the server-it dies every year. And everyone is going to go to war2usa. Even if the RU server ever dies and there is not a single living player left, I will play with bots, but in the same place . :stuck_out_tongue:

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #69 on: July 26, 2021, 09:11:14 PM »
IL you let your forum admins mute me and tell me to catch covid. Why the fuck would I support you with my resources.

Oh yes, THIS was the straw that broke the camel's back about you supporting and being a contributing member of the community. Not the swift meltdown event that u8  mentioned...... Try another argument that isn't completely full of shit.

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #70 on: July 26, 2021, 09:41:00 PM »
My pages were all still war2 dedicated until then Harrywangs. Keep being a douche.  The swift stuff is where blid muted me.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2021, 09:44:46 PM by TNARICK »

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #71 on: July 26, 2021, 10:06:01 PM »
I muted you when you had a psychotic break and thought war2 players were setting van’s farm on fire and poisoning your neighbor’s grass or whatever. It was nothing personal, it was just the right thing to do when you were in that state. It seemed like you needed a break before you got even more lost in fantasy

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #72 on: July 26, 2021, 10:49:57 PM »
I was fine and what you did was admin abuse. You need to step down like Tora or get rid of the war2occult grunt.

There is a general discussion and a moderated discussion. You moderated me in the general.

Tora muted me for saying to unmute equinox. At least you think you were doing a good thing. Tora just couldn't handle getting owned on the forums time after time again.

First time Tora muted me Justinschmidt set the YouTube vids private. 2nd time he muted me and told me to catçh covid I changed my links on my Facebook group.

Tora is the cause of death of Warcraft 2.

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #73 on: July 26, 2021, 11:13:23 PM »
I muted you when you had a psychotic break

Are you doctor now?
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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #74 on: July 26, 2021, 11:24:24 PM »
It wasn't even the gym videos that ended up being the issue. The two times that I removed Burnt as admin were due to sabotage to the group. He got so upset with whoever on the server/forum that he had a childish fit and started changing everything in the group to some extremely irrelevant shit. So I removed him as admin. I think that the reaction I had to this sabotage was pretty justified for any admin in their right mind to do. Not long after I removed him as admin, he started messaging me about how I'm a thief and stole his group. I let him know how disappointed I was with the current state of the server, forums, and Facebook pages. I gave him his admin back and told him to do as he pleased to ruin it.
So... recently I noticed that some changes were being made in the Facebook group. Anything related to was being changed to War2USA. Of course, again, it's because Burnt was upset with the admins and had some childish fit. Now, generally I would have been okay with this and just ignored it. So what? He's changing it to a new server. But this isn't just any server. It's a server that Archer started. The one who hacked RU for everyone's passwords and posted them on a website. Not sure if he's still involved with War2USA. But to top it off, tupac runs this server. And we all know that tupac is notorious for trying to crash the RU server with bots. Not only that, but long ago tupac hosted his own server prior to this one and the goal was to steal passwords. In my own stupidity and ignorance, I created an account on this server with the same password I used on RU. It took me a while to recover my account on RU. So now this server is going to be advertised to all of the followers on the group and facebook pages? When these changes were made, there were a few curious people saying "Wow! There's a USA server now? What happened to RU?" So I'm sitting back wondering if I'm going to allow this to happen so that someone with probable malicious intent can have access to many passwords. And this isn't just some RU security issue, it is an issue with their other online accounts as well if they were to use the same password.
Just to be clear Ritalin used to be admin on my Facebook Warcraft 2 page with even more users than burnt Facebook page. He never made any contributions to it. The only thing he did was add other admins that ended up removing me for literally no reason. From my own Facebook page.
Even after that I left him as an editor on my Facebook page which gives him a whole lot of control to do anything with content that he wants to do. It's been probably a couple years now and he has never done anything with it. So there will be no benefit to the community if Ritalin is allowed to steal and maintain a Facebook page that never belonged to him

For the record, I was posting every single day on the War2 Tides of Darkness page, War2Combat page, and the War2Server group with scheduled posts that would post to each. I did this for months. I think I even may have hosted a tournament at some point too. But eventually life happened and I was unable to dedicate any more time to it. On very rare occasions, I still post content.
I'm not really sure why you seem to have this grudge against me. I added mousEtopher as an admin to the War2 Tides of Darkness page because it was the obvious thing to do for any level headed admins at the time. I'm not even sure if I even knew at the time that this was your page. Perhaps she wasn't aware of this either? I'm not sure why she removed you but it obviously looks like she gave it back to you. Whether you had a cry baby reaction to this (which is what happened) or a mature reaction, I'm sure it would have had the same result with you being added back again. For some reason, your initial reaction is to think that someone has malicious intent to take your page and become the most powerful war2 being in the entire universe. That certainly was not the case there nor is it the case here with Burnt.
I think we really need to stop with the this is mine and that is mine mentality. I’m not taking his page and group to make it my own. What I did is try to put it back in the hands of level headed community members who have the right intentions to promote the game. These pages and groups should be for the community and you guys refuse to see it that way due to childish and narcissistic behavior. This entire thread is based on the assumption that I’m the same way. But I’m not.  You’re only concerned about yourselves and it shows. 
I’d like to address more in this post but I simply just don’t have the time for it today.  And I will never have the time to sit around and type up a million responses to each and every reply.

I’m sure burnt has been running around to everyone he possibly can trying to make me out to be this terrible human being that has it out for him.  But it’s simply just not true. 

Anyway, have your poll or whatever to ban me from all the things.

Atleast I can say you joined some shit server I made in my childhood. And we can say you stole burnts account as an adult. Intime you lost your foothold as I gained mine.

Archer has never contributed too war2usa ever. I could of installed his hole punch way before ru made one... if you didn't use his code :)

Now you're false accusations about bots. Are you sure you aren't the bot person? Makes sense you been around long enough and know how to abuse the system.