I dont think the maps matter as a question, the question is more like, what kind of ladder we want.
Do We want a true RTS style of ladder or we want a free for all jungle style.
By true RTS, i mean you start with one peon, the basic Low-medium-high ressources and you play the game.
By definition it basicly mean the Ladder/Classic maps of blizzard.
The free for all jungle style is mostly like custom with infinite ressource and things like that.
But does it mean custom cant be allowed, i dont think so, there peoples who can made really great map ''gow look a like''.
If someone made greats maps and it make sens and its a good one, im all in for it.
Not only it bring more maps, more options, but it also encourage creators and i think its nice at the end.
I know water is also part of warcraft II, i dont denied it at all, and i also know there some peoples who like this.
My probleme with it, is the amount of time these games can took. A game should take 5 to 20 minutes in general, 30 minutes it became really long, but water map, that can take an hour sometime, it's just something else and for alot of peoples it can be really annoying.
I dont think it's good to get these maps into the pools for a minority when it could annoy the majority.
All these maps, water, chops, strike desert, i think it would be better to just made a special season for theme sometime.
But including this into all season, im not sure at all, i think alot of peoples will just get tired of this really quickly when they realize they need to play it.
At the end, ill say, Ladder, classic and custom Ladder classic Look a like, and sometime special season with water chops etc.