Author Topic: the mystery of violence in st.louis  (Read 63648 times)

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Re: the mystery of violence in st.louis
« Reply #75 on: September 13, 2017, 07:37:24 PM »
This whole argument about socialism essentially say's,
"I am here. I am breathing. Give me money. You have an obligation to care for me."

The whole premise for capitalism  essentially says,
"I will starve if I do not give you a good or service that you want."

Inequity does not equal equality.
Equal opportunity will exist without equal outcome. 
There is nothing wrong with some people being rich and some people being poor.
Some people are rich and some people are poor.
The fact is throughout humanities existence there has been some form of income inequality for whatever reason. It could be some people have a better skill set, some people work harder, or some people provide a set of services which more people want to purchase.
Bill gates has provided more services than the local corner store. More people purchase his services and he engages in more voluntary transactions.

We all have equal rights. Some people are smart some people are stupid. Some are tall and some are short.
There is a lot of inequality in life but that doesn't mean some inequity has take place.
It is not inequity that the NBA is largely black. It is not inequity that the NBA is largely tall. It is not inequity that the NBA is largely full of athletically skilled people. That is the standard for being in the NBA.
It is not inequity for people who are smarter to earn more money thru providing more services.

To say that these inequalities have to be rectified thru the great god of government makes no sense. To say that all we need is Bernie Sanders or some other politician to come down from the sky and take money from one group and give it to another group in order to rectify these inequalities is ludicrous at best.

Tell me something when does inequality actually end? In other words at what point is there enough income equality that we as a society are ok?
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Re: the mystery of violence in st.louis
« Reply #76 on: September 13, 2017, 07:38:46 PM »
You do realize a black person is 18.5x more likely to be killed by another black person than by a cop.

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Re: the mystery of violence in st.louis
« Reply #77 on: September 13, 2017, 08:10:29 PM »
do you think tora educating himself on ben shapiro and prageru videos made him this dumb or that he was attracted to that infantile discourse already because of how dumb he is?

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Re: the mystery of violence in st.louis
« Reply #78 on: September 14, 2017, 01:39:44 AM »
ben shapiro's got some gewd points there about single mommies. other than that, hes a jewish ultra conservative, so heh

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Re: the mystery of violence in st.louis
« Reply #79 on: September 14, 2017, 07:54:13 AM »
If evolution is true, which teaches that white people are more evolved, and that black people are more ape-like and less human, then racism is the natural result.

... umm, not wanting to open that can of worms again, but the theory of evolution says no such thing.

It absolutely does not say that any race is "more evolved" than any other.

It absolutely does not say that any race evolved from any other race.

It says that we all evolved from the same ancestors then spread out and evolved differently as isolated communities.

Perhaps you are getting this impression from anthropological studies suggesting that the first homo-sapiens first appeared on the African continent. That is simply the geographical location where we are most likely to find the remains of early men buried.

The homo-sapien population that remained on the African continent has continued to evolve at the same rate as the parts of it that migrated to other continents.

Living on a piece of land that has very old bones buried under it doesn't stop evolution.

.... so if you don't want to believe it that's your choice but please get it right.
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Re: the mystery of violence in st.louis
« Reply #80 on: September 14, 2017, 09:51:26 AM »
If evolution is true, which teaches that white people are more evolved, and that black people are more ape-like and less human, then racism is the natural result.

... umm, not wanting to open that can of worms again, but the theory of evolution says no such thing.

It absolutely does not say that any race is "more evolved" than any other.

It absolutely does not say that any race evolved from any other race.

It says that we all evolved from the same ancestors then spread out and evolved differently as isolated communities.

Perhaps you are getting this impression from anthropological studies suggesting that the first homo-sapiens first appeared on the African continent. That is simply the geographical location where we are most likely to find the remains of early men buried.

The homo-sapien population that remained on the African continent has continued to evolve at the same rate as the parts of it that migrated to other continents.

Living on a piece of land that has very old bones buried under it doesn't stop evolution.

.... so if you don't want to believe it that's your choice but please get it right.

while its true, african noggers also had a relatively easy time, not requiring any adaptation - build random houses from shit, its always warm and chill - no need for innovation, breed enough to have at least a couple of kids not dead from malaria/eaten by lions
those conditions did not require much intellect hence less impact on brain development --> lower IQ on average
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Re: the mystery of violence in st.louis
« Reply #81 on: September 14, 2017, 10:20:03 AM »
fuck off racist

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Re: the mystery of violence in st.louis
« Reply #82 on: September 14, 2017, 10:45:58 AM »
if you want to be treated like human beings, learn to accept the numbers. otherwise, you will be just... lefties and sjws

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Re: the mystery of violence in st.louis
« Reply #83 on: September 14, 2017, 12:03:59 PM »
Say what you wanna say about black people but ive never seen them do this.
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Re: the mystery of violence in st.louis
« Reply #84 on: September 14, 2017, 12:05:11 PM »
if you want to be treated like human beings, learn to accept the numbers. otherwise, you will be just... lefties and sjws
You think you're making very rigid and logical arguments, but you're completely failing in exactly that respect.  I'm not denying whatever numbers you're looking at, because I don't care, because the question you should be asking is why are crime rates high among these black populations, which is the exact question I've repeatedly been addressing.  Asked and answered.  We should be done here.

When you over and over again attempt to pivot to the question "so, why are black people violent" that's a weasel tactic smuggling in the presumption that because there's a correlation there is causation, that because there's violence in these urban black communities, that it's black people as a group that are violent, as opposed to, say, people who have lived through generations of poverty with few economic opportunities.  That's not bravely taking a "race realist" stance, it's just failing to understand how arguments work for the sake of being racist.

And on that note, it's not brave to proudly wear your badge of racism and to dehumanize black people with the word "nigger" and with comparisons to zoos and chimps.  It's just disgusting.  It's you trying to push gross prejudices against an entire race of people, and it exposes you as a cruel and ugly person.  I shouldn't be acknowledging you at all if you're going to do that because it's completely unacceptable.  Fuck you bitch

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Re: the mystery of violence in st.louis
« Reply #85 on: September 14, 2017, 12:13:24 PM »
you sound almost poetic whereas I am a realist, i prefer to analyze. i look at numbers and accept them. THE NUMBERS should be shaping your world view, instead you made up your own, biased view from the fantasy world and ignore the real numbers
" I'm not denying whatever numbers you're looking at, because I don't care"

The entire threads point was "the crime rates are high because there's more niggers there". it's a true statement. could it be ignorant? define 'ignorant', it certainly isnt looking at the case from all the angles. but from the first reply onwards, youre fighting things that i've never said

"dehumanize black people with the word "nigger" "
they are calling themselves that and we, as liberals, believe in equality. as for "there's a correlation there is causation", i merely remarked upon this fact to make sure you're aware. instead, you - again - are attacking things i've never said. All i said is that we should keep our eyes open, because correlations are tricky
you, unlike jon, basically acknowledged the answer to our mystery from the thread title, so we're pals. gimie a hug, nigga

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Re: the mystery of violence in st.louis
« Reply #86 on: September 14, 2017, 12:14:29 PM »
admin please mark this thread as [SOLVED]

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Re: the mystery of violence in st.louis
« Reply #87 on: September 14, 2017, 12:18:42 PM »
the numbers do shape my worldview, they tell me that places with low income, places with high poverty, lend themselves to more crime.  of course they would, these people are desperate and don't have the social structures that better off places have, so it's basic common sense that when things are failing there won't be the same polite order.  you allegedly use numbers to shape your worldview too, but your reasoning is reductive, you just say "black people" instead of choosing to focus on deeper causes and reasons, because you see the world in terms of race, because, well, you're a nazi.

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Re: the mystery of violence in st.louis
« Reply #88 on: September 14, 2017, 12:23:24 PM »
the numbers do shape my worldview, they tell me that places with low income, places with high poverty, lend themselves to more crime.  of course they would, these people are desperate and don't have the social structures that better off places have, so it's basic common sense that when things are failing there won't be the same polite order.
this is why we need an economic system that doesnt leave so many people behind.  this is why we need racial justice, this is why we need solidarity between peoples, this is why we need a better world.  this thread wont be marked [SOLVED] until that happens, but ill happily continue to report to you various additional examples in furtherance of this point. maybe someday youll become smart like me

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Re: the mystery of violence in st.louis
« Reply #89 on: September 14, 2017, 12:59:00 PM »
you sound almost poetic whereas I am a realist, i prefer to analyze. i look at numbers and accept them. THE NUMBERS should be shaping your world view, instead you made up your own, biased view from the fantasy world and ignore the real numbers
" I'm not denying whatever numbers you're looking at, because I don't care"

The entire threads point was "the crime rates are high because there's more niggers there". it's a true statement. could it be ignorant? define 'ignorant', it certainly isnt looking at the case from all the angles. but from the first reply onwards, youre fighting things that i've never said

"dehumanize black people with the word "nigger" "
they are calling themselves that and we, as liberals, believe in equality. as for "there's a correlation there is causation", i merely remarked upon this fact to make sure you're aware. instead, you - again - are attacking things i've never said. All i said is that we should keep our eyes open, because correlations are tricky
you, unlike jon, basically acknowledged the answer to our mystery from the thread title, so we're pals. gimie a hug, nigga

what the fuck is this! "herr derr le logical numbers me so smaht" haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha